Version 6.3 Released!

Click to checkout the new features

Old Documentation
You are browsing documentation for an old version of Tabulator. Consider upgrading your project to Tabulator 6.3

Version 3.4.6 Available
Users have reported that there have been some rendering glitches with version 3.4.0 when the virtual DOM is disabled. Please make sure you update to version 3.4.6 where these issues have now been resolved.


You can have yourself up and running in a couple of minutes using the steps below:

Include the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries before you load the Tabulator library. you can either download these and load them from your local server or choose from a popular CDN.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

Include the Tabulator library and style sheet

<link href="dist/css/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

Create an element to hold the table

<div id="example-table"></div>

Turn the element into a tabulator with some simple javascript



There are a number of ways you can include the Tabulator source in your project.

Bower Installation

To get Tabulator via the Bower package manager, open a terminal in your project directory and run the following command:

bower install tabulator --save

NPM Installation

To get Tabulator via the NPM package manager, open a terminal in your project directory and run the following command:

npm install jquery.tabulator --save
Then to add the library to your project, you will need to require it after the jquery-ui library:

Git Clone

If you use the Git CVS you can clone the repository directly to your computer with the following terminal command:

git clone


You can download the source as a zip fie from here.


To access Tabulator directly from the CDNJS CDN servers, include the following two lines at the start of your project, instead of the locally hosted versions:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Check out more of the great libraries available to use direclty from CDNJS at

jQuery Dependencies

Tabulator is dependent on the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries. You can include these files in your project or reference them from a CDN of your choice.

If you are looking for the most optimized packages possible, then Tabulator only depends on a few of the features available in jQUery UI:

Core Dependencies

  • Widget

An opmimized jQuery UI library can be downloaded here.

Note: In the long term Tabulator is going to become dependencey free, by version 4.0 there will be no dependencies on either jQuery or jQuery UI.

Define Columns Updated

Column headers are defined as an array of JSON objects passed into the columns option when you create your tabulator

        {title:"Name", field:"name", sorter:"string", width:200, editor:true},
        {title:"Age", field:"age", sorter:"number", align:"right", formatter:"progress"},
        {title:"Gender", field:"gender", sorter:"string", cellClick:function(e, cell){console.log("cell click")},},
        {title:"Height", field:"height", formatter:"star", align:"center", width:100},
        {title:"Favourite Color", field:"col", sorter:"string"},
        {title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob", sorter:"date", align:"center"},
        {title:"Cheese Preference", field:"cheese", sorter:"boolean", align:"center", formatter:"tickCross"},

There are a number of properties that can be set in a definition object to determine how the column is displayed:


  • title - Required This is the title that will be displayed in the header for this column
  • field - Required (not required in icon/button columns) this is the key for this column in the data array
  • visible - (boolean, default - true) determines if the column is visible. (see Column Visibility for more details)


  • align - sets the text alignment for this column (left|center|right)
  • width - sets the width of this column, this can be set in pixels or as a percentage of total table width (if not set the system will determine the best)
  • minWidth - sets the minimum width of this column, this should be set in pixels (this takes priority over the global option of columnMinWidth)
  • frozen - freezes the column in place when scrolling (see Frozen Columns for more details)
  • responsive - an integer to determine when the column should be hidden in responsive mode (see Responsive Layout for more details)
  • tooltip - sets the on hover tooltip for each cell in this column (see Formatting Data for more details)
  • cssClass - sets css classes on header and cells in this column. (value should be a string containing space separated class names)
  • rowHandle - sets the column as a row handle, allowing it to be used to drag movable rows. (see Movable Rows for more details)
  • hideInHtml New - When the getHtml function is called, hide the column from the output.

Data Manipulation

  • sorter - determines how to sort data in this column (see Sorting Data for more details)
  • sorterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the sorter(see Sorting Data for more details)
  • formatter - set how you would like the data to be formatted (see Formatting Data for more details)
  • formatterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the formatter(see Formatting Data for more details)
  • variableHeight -alter the row height to fit the contents of the cell instead of hiding overflow
  • editable - callback to check if the cell is editable (see Manipulating Data for more details)
  • editor - set the editor to be used when editing the data. (see Manipulating Data for more details)
  • editorParams - additional parameters you can pass to the editor (see Manipulating Data for more details)
  • validator - set the validator to be used to approve data when a user edits a cell. (see Manipulating Data for more details)
  • mutator - function for manipulating column values as they are parsed into the table (see Mutators for more details)
  • mutateType - defines whether mutation should occur on data parsing, cell editing or both (see Mutators for more details)
  • mutatorParams - additional parameters you can pass to the mutator(see Mutators for more details)
  • accessor - function to alter column values before they are read out the table using the getData function (see Accessors for more details)
  • accessorParams - additional parameters you can pass to the accessor(see Accessors for more details)
  • download - show or hide column in downloaded data (see Downloading Table Data for more details)
  • downloadTitle - set custom title for column in download (see Downloading Table Data for more details)
  • topCalc - the column calculation to be displayed at the top of this column(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • topCalcParams - additional parameters you can pass to the topCalc calculation function(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • topCalcFormatter - formatter for the topCalc calculation cell(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • topCalcFormatterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the topCalcFormatter function(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • bottomCalc - the column calculation to be displayed at the bottom of this column(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • bottomCalcParams - additional parameters you can pass to the bottomCalc calculation function(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • bottomCalcFormatter - formatter for the bottomCalc calculation cell(see Column Calculations for more details)
  • bottomCalcFormatterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the bottomCalcFormatter function(see Column Calculations for more details)

Cell Events Updated

  • cellClick - callback for when user clicks on a cell in this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellDblClick - callback for when user double clicks on a cell in this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellContext - callback for when user right clicks on a cell in this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellTap - callback for when user taps on a cell in this column, triggered in touch displays. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellDblTap - callback for when user double taps on a cell in this column, triggered in touch displays when a user taps the same cell twice in under 300ms. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellTapHold - callback for when user taps and holds on a cell in this column, triggered in touch displays when a user taps and holds the same cell for 1 second. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellEditing New - callback for when a cell in this column is being edited by the user (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellEdited New - callback for when a cell in this column has been edited by the user (see Callbacks for more details)
  • cellEditCancelled New - callback for when an edit on a cell in this column is aborted by the user (see Callbacks for more details)

Column Headers

  • headerSort - user can sort by clicking on the header (see Sorting Data for more details)
  • headerClick - callback for when user clicks on the header for this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerDblClick - callback for when user double clicks on the header for this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerContext - callback for when user right clicks on the header for this column (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerTap - callback for when user taps on a header for this column, triggered in touch displays. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerDblTap - callback for when user double taps on a header for this column, triggered in touch displays when a user taps the same header twice in under 300ms. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerTapHold - callback for when user taps and holds on a header for this column, triggered in touch displays when a user taps and holds the same header for 1 second. (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerTooltip - sets the on hover tooltip for the column header (see Formatting Data for more details)
  • editableTitle - allows the user to edit the header titles. (see Editable Column Titles for more details)
  • titleFormatter - formatter function for header title (see Formatting Data for more details)
  • titleFormatterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the header title formatter(see Formatting Data for more details)
  • headerFilter - filtering of columns from elements in the header (see Header Filtering for more details)
  • headerFilterPlaceholder - placeholder text for the header filter (see Header Filtering for more details)
  • headerFilterParams - additional parameters you can pass to the header filter (see Header Filtering for more details)
  • headerFilterFunc - the filter function that should be used by the header filter (see Header Filtering for more details)
  • headerFilterFuncParams - additional parameters object passed to the headerFilterFunc function (see Header Filtering for more details)

Setting Fields In Nested Data

Tabulator can handle linking columns to fields inside nested data objects. To do this you specify the route to your data using dot notation.

For example here is a basic row data object with data nested inside a user object


If you wanted to make a column that showed the name field inside the user object you could set the field property of the column definition object to

        {title:"Name", field:""},  //link column to name property of user object

Note: This functionality is only available for nested objects and will not work with arrays.

Column Grouping

You can group column headers together to create complex multi-row table headers.

To group columns, you need to add a column group object in the column definition array. You must give a column group a title and add the grouped column objects into the columns property of the group.

You can use the columnVertAlign option to set how the text in your column headers should be vertically aligned, this can take one of three string values: "top", "middle", "bottom"

You can nest column groups, so you can create column groups many levels deep.

    columnVertAlign:"bottom", //align header contents to bottom of cell
        {title:"Name", field:"name", width:160},
        {//create column group
            title:"Work Info",
                {title:"Progress", field:"progress", align:"right", sorter:"number", width:100},
                {title:"Rating", field:"rating", align:"center", width:80},
                {title:"Driver", field:"car", align:"center", width:80},
        {//create column group
            title:"Personal Info",
                {title:"Gender", field:"gender", width:90},
                {title:"Favourite Color", field:"col", width:140},
                {title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob", align:"center", sorter:"date", width:130},

Available Options

As well as the required title and columns options, the following options can also be set on a column group:

  • headerClick - callback for when user clicks on the header for this column group (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerDblClick - callback for when user double clicks on the header for this column group (see Callbacks for more details)
  • headerContext - callback for when user right clicks on the header for this column group (see Callbacks for more details)

Note: any of the click callbacks on the group header will also be triggered by clicking on any of the column headers in the group. To prevent this from happening put a matching binding on the column header and use the e.stopPropagation() function to prevent the group binding from being triggered.

Set Table Data

Tabulator row data is defined as an array of objects, that can either be passed as an array or retrieved as a JSON formatted string via AJAX from a URL.

The data can contain more columns that are defined in the columns options, these will be stored with the rest of the data, but not rendered to screen.

An example JSON data set:

    {id:1, name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1, col:"red", dob:"", cheese:1},
    {id:2, name:"Mary May", age:"1", gender:"female", height:2, col:"blue", dob:"14/05/1982", cheese:true},
    {id:3, name:"Christine Lobowski", age:"42", height:0, col:"green", dob:"22/05/1982", cheese:"true"},
    {id:4, name:"Brendon Philips", age:"125", gender:"male", height:1, col:"orange", dob:"01/08/1980"},
    {id:5, name:"Margret Marmajuke", age:"16", gender:"female", height:5, col:"yellow", dob:"31/01/1999"},
    {id:6, name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1, col:"red", dob:"", cheese:1},
    {id:7, name:"Mary May", age:"1", gender:"female", height:2, col:"blue", dob:"14/05/1982", cheese:true},
    {id:8, name:"Christine Lobowski", age:"42", height:0, col:"green", dob:"22/05/1982", cheese:"true"},
    {id:9, name:"Brendon Philips", age:"125", gender:"male", height:1, col:"orange", dob:"01/08/1980"},
    {id:10, name:"Margret Marmajuke", age:"16", gender:"female", height:5, col:"yellow", dob:"31/01/1999"},

Data Mutation

Note: if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to your data as it is being parsed into the table. (see Mutators for more details)

Row Index

A unique index value should be present for each row of data if you want to be able to programmatically alter that data at a later point, this should be either numeric or a string. By default Tabulator will look for this value in the id field for the data. If you wish to use a different field as the index, set this using the index option parameter.

    index:"age", //set the index field to the "age" field.

Set data using array

You can pass an array directly to the table using the setData method.

var tableData = [
    {id:1, name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1, col:"red", dob:"", cheese:1},
    {id:2, name:"Mary May", age:"1", gender:"female", height:2, col:"blue", dob:"14/05/1982", cheese:true},

$("#example-table").tabulator("setData", tableData);

Set Initial Data Array

If you want your table to be created already containing data, then you can pass the array into the data option in the table constructor.

var tableData = [
    {id:1, name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1, col:"red", dob:"", cheese:1},
    {id:2, name:"Mary May", age:"1", gender:"female", height:2, col:"blue", dob:"14/05/1982", cheese:true},

    data:tableData, //set initial table data
        {title:"Name", field:"name"},
        {title:"Age", field:"age"},
        {title:"Gender", field:"gender"},
        {title:"Height", field:"height"},
        {title:"Favourite Color", field:"col"},
        {title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob"},
        {title:"Cheese Preference", field:"cheese"},

Set data using AJAX

If you wish to retrieve your data from a remote source, pass the URL to the setData method and it will perform the AJAX request for you. The URL can be absolute or relative.


If you wish to pass parameters with your request you can either include them in-line with the url string, or as an optional second parameter to the setData function. In the latter case they should be provided in the form of an object with key/value pairs.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setData","", {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"});

The server will need to return a JSON formatted array of objects.

Advanced Configuration

By default Tabulator will make all ajax requests using the HTTP request type of GET. If you need to use a different request type for any reason, this can be passed as an optional third parameter.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setData","", {}, "POST"); //make a post request

The third parameter can also be used to pass a config object containing any of the options from the standard jQuery ajax configuration object:

var ajaxConfig = {
    type:"POST", //set request type to Position
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', //set specific content type

$("#example-table").tabulator("setData","", {}, ajaxConfig); //make ajax request with advanced config options

A full list of the available config options can be found on the jQuery website.

Note: You MUST NOT set any of the following options in the advanced config option as they are set by Tabulator and needed for correct operation of the library:

  • url
  • async
  • dataType
  • success
  • error

Repeated Requests

If you always request the same url for your data then you can set it in the ajaxURL, ajaxParams & ajaxConfig options as needed when you create your Tabulator. This will cause the table to immediately load the data from the remote resource as soon as the table is created. These options take the same input options as the first second and third arguments of the setData function.

    ajaxURL:"", //ajax URL
    ajaxParams:{key1:"value1", key2:"value2"}, //ajax parameters
    ajaxConfig:"POST", //ajax HTTP request type

You can call the setData function to refresh the data at any point


Ajax Response Alteration

Tabulator expects the response to an ajax request to be a JSON encoded string representing an array of data objects. If you need to pass other data back in your request as well, you can use the ajaxResponse callback to process the returned data before it is passed to the table. The return value of this callback should be an array of row data objects.

    ajaxResponse:function(url, params, response){
        //url - the URL of the request
        //params - the parameters passed with the request
        //response - the JSON object returned in the body of the response.

        return response.tableData; //return the tableData property of a response json object

Ajax Filtering

If you would prefer to filter your data server side rather than in Tabulator, you can use the ajaxFiltering option to send the filter data to the server instead of processing it client side

    ajaxFiltering:true, //send filter data to the server instead of processing locally

An array of filters objects will then be passed in the filters parameter of the request, the name of this parameter can be set in the paginationDataSent option, in the pagination extension.

The array of filter objects will take the same form as those returned from the getFilters function:

    {field:"age", type:">", value:52}, //filter by age greater than 52
    {field:"height", type:"<", value:142}, //and by height less than 142

If a custom filter function is being used then the type parameter will have a value of "function".

If the table is not currently filtered then the array will be empty.

Ajax Sorting

If you would prefer to sort your data server side rather than in Tabulator, you can use the ajaxSorting option to send the sort data to the server instead of processing it client side

    ajaxSorting:true, //send sort data to the server instead of processing locally

An array of sorters objects will then be passed in the sorters parameter of the request, the name of this parameter can be set in the paginationDataSent option, in the pagination extension.

The array of sorter objects will take the same form as those returned from the getSort function:

    {column:"age", dir:"asc"},
    {column:"height", dir:"desc"}

If the table is not currently sorted then the array will be empty.

Get Current Ajax URL

You can retrieve the current AJAX URL of the table with the getAjaxUrl function.

var url = $("#example-table").tabulator("getAjaxUrl");

Note: This function will return the url set on the ajaxURL property or the latest url set with the setData function, it will not include any pagination, filter or sorter parameters

Aborting an Ajax Request

The ajaxRequesting callback is called just before an AJAX request is made, if you want to abort the request for any reason you can return a value of false from the function.

    ajaxRequesting:function(url, params){
        return false; //abort ajax request


A range of callbacks are available for tracking progress of ajax data loading. See the Ajax Callbacks section for more information.

Server Side Code (PHP)

When using ajax loading, the server should respond with a JSON encoded string representing an array of row objects. An example in PHP can be seen below:

//build data array
$data = array(
    array(id=>1, name=>"Billy Bob", age=>"12", gender=>"male", height=>1, col=>"red", dob=>"", cheese=>1),
    array(id=>2, name=>"Mary May", age=>"1", gender=>"female", height=>2, col=>"blue", dob=>"14/05/1982", cheese=>true),
    array(id=>3, name=>"Christine Lobowski", age=>"42", height=>0, col=>"green", dob=>"22/05/1982", cheese=>"true"),
    array(id=>4, name=>"Brendon Philips", age=>"125", gender=>"male", height=>1, col=>"orange", dob=>"01/08/1980"),
    array(id=>5, name=>"Margret Marmajuke", age=>"16", gender=>"female", height=>5, col=>"yellow", dob=>"31/01/1999"),

//return JSON formatted data

Set Data at Table Creation

You can set the data at the same time as the table creation by passing the data array to the data option.

var dataArray = [
    {id:1, name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1, col:"red", dob:"", cheese:1},
    {id:2, name:"Mary May", age:"1", gender:"female", height:2, col:"blue", dob:"14/05/1982", cheese:true},


Extract Data from an HTML Table Element

You can create a Tabulator table directly from an HTML table element. You can define the columns in the usual way with the columns option, or you can set them as th elements in the thead of a table.

Any rows of data in the tbody of the table will automatically be converted to tabulator data in displayed in the resulting table.

If you define the width attribute in a table header cell, this will be used to set the width of the column in Tabulator.

<table id="example-table">
            <th width="200">Name</th>
            <th>Favourite Color</th>
            <th>Date of Birth</th>
            <td>Billy Bob</td>
            <td>Mary May</td>

Note: Tabulator can only parse simple tables. Tables using multiple header rows, colspan or rowspan attributes will cause the import to fail.

Options Attributes

You can set options parameters directly in the HTML by using tabulator- attributes on the table and th elements, these will then be set as configuration options on the table.

Setting option on table:

<table id="example-table" tabulator-tooltips="true">
            <td>Billy Bob</td>

Setting option on row:

<table id="example-table">
            <th tabulator-align="center">Name</th>
            <td>Billy Bob</td>

Note: This approach can only be used for text, numeric and boolean options, for callbacks and functions you will need to use the constructor object outlined below.

Complex Options Setup

If you need to set up any column options on the imported table you can declare these in table constructor as you would do for any other table. It is important to note that the title parameter for each column definition must match the text in the table element's header cell exactly for the imported data to link to the correct column.

If you use a column definition array in the Tabulator constructor, the order of columns in this array will take priority over the order of the columns in the table element.

    tooltips:true, //example option (enable tooltips on all cells)
    columns:[ //set column definitions for imported table data
        {title:"Age", sorter:"number"},
        {title:"Height", sorter:"number"},
        {title:"Date of Birth", sorter:"date"},

Mutators & Accessors

Mutators (setters) and Accessors (getters) allow you to manipulate the table data as it enters and leaves your Tabulator, allowing you to convert values for use in your table and then change them again as they leave.


Mutators are used to alter data as it is parsed into Tabulator. For example if you wanted to convert a numeric column into a boolean based on its value, before the data is used to build the table.

You can set mutators on a per column basis using the mutator option in the column definition object.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with mutator, mutatorParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the mutator.

{title:"Has Too Many Cars", field:"cars", mutatorParams:{threshold:5}, mutator:function(value, data, type, mutatorParams, cell){
        //value - original value of the cell
        //data - the data for the row
        //type - the type of mutation occurring  (data|edit)
        //mutatorParams - the mutatorParams object from the column definition
        //cell - when the "type" argument is "edit", this contains the cell component for the edited cell, otherwise it is undefined

        return value > mutatorParams.threshold; //return the new value for the cell data.

Mutation Type

By default mutators are applied to data when it is parsed into the table with the setData function and when a user edits a cell. If you only want your mutators to be applied in one of these cases, you can use the mutateType option to specify when you want your mutator to be used.

{title:"Has Too Many Cars", field:"cars", mutateType:"data",  mutator:tooManyCarsMutator} //mutate only parsed data not cell edits.

mutateType can have one of three values:

  • data - Only mutate data when using the setData function.
  • edit - Only mutate data when a user edits a cell.
  • all - Mutate data on setData and cell edit.

Mutators vs Formatters
An important difference between a mutator and a formatter is that a mutator will alter the data contained in the table, which will then be visible in the data retrieved using the getData function, a formatter will only alter how data is displayed in cells but will not affect the data itself. (see Formatting for more details)


Accessors are used to alter data as it leaves the table through the getData function.

You can set accessors on a per column basis using the accessor option in the column definition object.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with accessor, accessorParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the accessor.

The example below shows a usage case that ensures float values in a column are rounded down to integers before you retrieved the data.

{title:"Tax Owed (£)", field:"tax", accessorParams:{}, accessor:function(value, data, accessorParams){
        //value - original value of the cell
        //data - the data for the row
        //accessorParams - the accessorParams object passed from the column definition

        return Math.floor(value); //return the new value for the cell data.

Accessors will only be applied to the data returned by the getData function and will not affect the data used by the table itself.

Formatting Data Updated

Tabulator allows you to format your data in a wide variety of ways, so your tables can display information in a more graphical and clear layout.

You can set formatters on a per column basis using the formatter option in the column definition object.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with the formatter, formatterParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the formatter.

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:"star", formatterParams:{stars:6}}

Tabulator comes with a number of preconfigured formatters including:

  • plaintext - This is the default formatter for all cells, and simply displays the value of the cell as text.
  • textarea - shows text with carriage returns intact (great for multiline text), this formatter will also adjust the height of rows to fit the cells contents when columns are resized
  • html - displays un-sanitized html
  • money - formats a number into currency notation (eg. 1234567.8901 -> 1,234,567.89)
    • optional formatterParams:
      • decimal - Symbol to represent the decimal point (default ".")
      • thousand - Symbol to represent the thousands separator (default ",")
      • symbol - currency symbol (no default)
      • symbolAfter - position the symbol after the number (default false)
      • precision - the number of decimals to display (default is 2), setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number
  • image Updated - creates an img element wirh the src set as the value. (triggers the normalizeHeight function on the row on image load)
  • link Updated - renders data as an anchor with a link to the given value (by default the value will be used as both the url and the label of the tag)
    • optional formatterParams:
      • labelField New - the field in the row data that should be used for the link label
      • label New - a string representing the label, or a function which must return the string for the label, the function is passed the Cell Component as its first argument
      • urlPrefix New - a prefix to put before the url value (eg. to turn a emaill address into a clickable mailto link you should set this to "mailto:")
      • urlField New - the field in the row data that should be used for the link url
      • url New - a string representing the url, or a function which must return the string for the url, the function is passed the Cell Component as its first argument
  • tick - displays a green tick if the value is (true|'true'|'True'|1) and an empty cell if not
  • tickCross - displays a green tick if the value is (true|'true'|'True'|1) and a red cross if not
  • color - sets the background colour of the cell to the value. Can be any valid CSS color eg. #ff0000, #f00, rgb(255,0,0), red, rgba(255,0,0,0), hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
  • star - displays a graphical star rating based on integer values
    • optional formatterParams:
      • stars - maximum number of stars to be displayed (default 5)
  • progress Updated - displays a progress bar that fills the cell from left to right, using values 0-100 as a percentage of width
    • optional formatterParams:
      • min - minimum value for progress bar (default 0)
      • max - minimum value for progress bar (default 100)
      • color Updated - colour of progress bar (default #2DC214), this can be:
        • string - any valid css color string (eg "#fff000")
        • array of strings New - an array of color strings, that will divide the background colour across the min-max range of values(eg ["green", "orange", "red"])
        • function New - a callback that is passed the value of the cell and must return the bar color (eg function(value){return "red"})
      • legend New - a text value to display over the progress bar, this can be:
        • string - any string
        • true - if set to true this will show the value of the cell
        • function - a callback that is passed the value of the cell and must return the legend contents (eg function(value){return value + "%"})
      • legendColor New - the text colour for the legend, has the same range of value options as the color property
  • lookup New - looks up the value to display from a object passed into the formatterParams property, if not present it displays the current cell value
    • pass an object to formatterParams where the initial value of the cell is the property key and the value to be displayed is the property value (eg {"blue":"black", "red":"green"}, would change the value "blue" to "black", and the value "red" to "green")
  • buttonTick - displays a tick icon on each row (for use as a button)
  • buttonCross - displays a cross icon on each row (for use as a button)
  • rownum - shows an incrementing row number for each row.
  • handle - fills the cell with hamburger bars, to be used as a row handle

Note: To guard against code injection, any formatters that are meant to display text (plaintext, textarea, money, email, link) have the data sanitized first to escape any potentially harmful HTML or JavaScript from making into the table, this causes any such data to be displayed as its plain text alternative. If you want the HTML to be displayed correctly use the html formatter, but be aware if your data can be user edited this could allow for malicious script injection.

Note: For a guide to adding your own formatters to this list, have a look at the Extending Tabulator section.

Custom Formatters

As well as the built-in formatters you can define a formatter using a custom formatter function.

The formatter function accepts two arguments, the CellComponent for the cell being formatted and the formatterParams option from the column definition.

The function must return the contents of the cell, either the text value of the cell, valid HTML or a jQuery element.

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:function(cell, formatterParams){
        //cell - the cell component
        //formatterParams - parameters set for the column

        return "Mr" + cell.getValue(); //return the contents of the cell;

Formatters vs Mutators
An important difference between a formatter and a mutator is that a formatter will only alter how data is displayed in cells but will not affect the data itself, while a mutator will alter the data contained in the table, which will then be visible in the data retrieved using the getData function. (see Mutators for more details)

Variable Height Formatters

By default formatters will keep their contents within the height of the current row, hiding any overflow. The only exception to this is the textarea formatter which will automatically vary its height when the column is resized so its contents does not overflow.

If you would like this functionally to appear in another type of formatter you can set the variableHeight property to true in the column definition and it will will behave in a similar way to the textarea formatter:

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:myCustomFormatter, variableHeight:true}

Icon/Button Columns

You can create icon/button columns, by not specifying the field option in the column definition object and creating a custom formatter for the column contents. In the example below we have created a print button on the left of each row.

//custom formatter definition
var printIcon = function(cell, formatterParams){ //plain text value
    return "<i class='fa fa-print'></i>";

//column definition in the columns array
{formatter:printIcon, width:40, align:"center", cellClick:function(e, cell){alert("Printing row data for: " + cell.getRow().getData().name)}},

Row Formatting Updated

Tabulator also allows you to define a row level formatter using the rowFormatter option. this lets you alter each row of the table based on the data it contains.

The function accepts one argument, the RowComponent for the row being formatted.

The example below changes the background colour of a row to blue if the col value for that row is "blue".

        //row - row component

        var data = row.getData();

        if(data.col == "blue"){

Re-Format Row New

If you want to re-format a row once it has been rendered to re-trigger the cell formatters and the rowFormatter callback, Call the reformat function on its Row Component.



You can set tooltips to be displayed when the cursor hovers over cells. By default, tooltips are not displayed.

Tooltips can either be set globally using the tooltips options parameter:


Or on a per column basis in the column definition array:

//column definition in the columns array
{formatter:printIcon, width:40, align:"center", tooltip:true},

The tooltip parameter can take three different types of value

  • boolean - a value of false disables the tooltip, a value of true sets the tooltip of the cell to its value
  • string - a string that will be displayed for all cells in the matching column/table.
  • function - a callback function that returns the string for the cell. see below:

The function accepts one argument, the CellComponent for the cell the tooltip is being generated for.

        //cell - cell component

        //function should return a string for the tooltip of false to hide the tooltip
        return  cell.getColumn().getField() + " - " + cell.getValue(); //return cells "field - value";

Note: setting a tooltip value on a column will override the global setting.

Column Header ToolTips

It is also possible to set tooltips to display on the column headers. This is particularly useful when your columns are too narrow to display full header names.

Header tooltips can either be set globally using the tooltipsHeader options parameter:

    tooltipsHeader:true, //enable header tooltips

Or on a per column basis in the column definition array:

//column definition in the columns array
{title:"name", field:"name", width:40, align:"center", headerTooltip:true},

The tooltip headerTooltip can take three different types of value

  • boolean - a value of false disables the tooltip, a value of true sets the tooltip of the column header to its title value.
  • string - a string that will be displayed for the tooltip.
  • function - a callback function that returns the string for the column header. see below:

The function accepts one argument, the ColumnComponent for the column the tooltip is being generated for.

        //column - column component

        //function should return a string for the header tooltip of false to hide the tooltip
        return  column.getDefinition().title;

Note: setting a headerTooltip value on a column will override the global setting.

Column Header Title Formatters

You can use formatters to layout your column titles using the titleFormatter and titleFormatterParams options in a column's defintition object:

//column definition in the columns array
{title:5, titleFormatter:"star", titleFormatterParams:{stars:5}, field:"rating"},

Filtering Data Updated

Tabulator allows you to filter the table data by any field in the data set.

To set a filter you need to call the setFilter method, passing the field you wish to filter, the comparison type and the value to filter for.

This function will replace any exiting filters on the table with the specified filters.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setFilter", "age", ">", 10);

Tabulator comes with a number of filter comparison types including:

  • = - Displays only rows with data that is the same as the filter
  • < - displays rows with a value less than the filter value
  • <= - displays rows with a value less than or qual to the filter value
  • > - displays rows with a value greater than the filter value
  • >= - displays rows with a value greater than or qual to the filter value
  • != - displays rows with a value that is not equal to the filter value
  • like - displays any rows with data that contains the specified string anywhere in the specified field. (case insensitive)
  • in New - displays any rows with a value in the filter value array passed to the filter (eg ["steve", "bob", "jim"], values must be of the same type as they are in the array

If you wish to apply multiple filters then you can pass an array of filter objects to this function, the data will then have to pass all filters to be displayed in the table.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setFilter", [
    {field:"age", type:">", value:52}, //filter by age greater than 52
    {field:"height", type:"<", value:142}, //and by height less than 142
    {field:"name", type:"in", value:["steve", "bob", "jim"]}, //name must be steve, bob or jim

Filters will remain in effect until they are cleared, including during setData calls.

Custom Filter Functions

If you want to perform a more complicated filter then you can pass a callback function to the setFilter method, you can also pass an optional second argument, an object with parameters to be passed to the filter function.

function customFilter(data, filterParams){
    //data - the data for the row being filtered
    //filterParams - params object passed to the filter

    return == "bob" && data.height < filterParams.height; //must return a boolean, true if it passes the filter.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setFilter", customFilter, {height:3});

Additional Filter Functions

There are a number of additional filter functions that can be called to customise your filtering experience

Add Filter to Existing Filters

If you want to add another filter to the existing filters then you can call the addFilter function:

$("#example-table").tabulator("addFilter", "age", ">", 22);

Remove One of Many Existing Filters

If you want to remove one filter from the current list of filters you can use the removeFilter function:

$("#example-table").tabulator("removeFilter", "age", ">", 22);

Get Current Filters

You can retrieve an array of the current programtic filters using the getFilters function, this will not include any of the header filters:

var filters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getFilters");

This will return an array of filter objects

    {field:"age", type:">", value:52}, //filter by age greater than 52
    {field:"height", type:"<", value:142}, //and by height less than 142

To include header filters in the returend array pass an option argument of true to the getFilters function:

var allFilters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getFilters", true);

Get Header Filters

If you just want to retrieve the current header filters, you can use the getHeaderFilters function:

var headerFilters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getHeaderFilters");

Clear All Filters

To remove all filters from the table, use the clearFilter function.


This will clear all programmatically set filters, if you wisht to clear all header filters as well pass an argument of true to this function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("clearFilter", true);

Clear Header Filters

To remove just the header filters, leaving the programatic filters in place, use the clearHeaderFilter function.


Header Filtering Updated

Is is possible to filter the table data directly from the column headers, by setting the headerFilter parameter in the column definition object for that column.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:true} //show header filter matching the cells editor

Setting this parameter to true will cause an editor element matching the columns editor type to be displayed in the header below the column title, and will allow the user to filter data in the table by values in that column. The editor will be chosen using the same rules as the editor parameter, for more information on this see the Manipulating Data section.

Alternatively you can pass a string to this parameter containing any of the standard editors listed in the Manipulating Data section

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:"input"} //show headerFilter using "input" editor

You can also pass a custom editor function to this parameter in the same way as you would for column editor. For more information see the Manipulating Data section.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with the header filter, headerFilterParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the header filter element. This will be passed to the editor in the column header instead of the editorParams property.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:"input", headerFilterParams:{initial:"Steve Bobberson"}} //show headerFilter using "input" editor

Note: At present, the progress and star editors are not available as header filters.

Header Filters and Programmatic Filters

Header filters and programatic filters can be set independently allowing you to use a header filter to further restrict the rows shown in an already filtered data set.

Real Time Filtering

If an input element is used as the filter element, then then the table will be filtered in real time as the user types in the input element. To prevent exessive redrawing of the table Tabulator will wait 300 milliseconds after the user has finished typing before triggering the filter, this ensures that the table is not redrawn for every character typed by the user.

Note: If the input has a type attribute value of text it will be automatically changed to search to give the user the option to clear the input text.

Filter Comparison Types

By default Tabulator will try and match the comparison type to the type of element used for the header filter.

Standard input elements will use the "like" filter, this allows for the matches to be displayed as the user types.

For all other element types (select boxes, check boxes, input elements of type number) an "=" filter type is used.

If you want to specify the type of filter used you can pass it to the headerFilterFunc option in the column definition object. This will take any of the standard filters outlined above or a custom function:

{title:"Age", field:"age", headerFilter:"input", headerFilterPlaceholder:"Max Age", headerFilterFunc:"<="} //show only rows with an age less than or equal the entered value

When using a custom filter function for a header filter, the arguments passed to the function will be slightly different from a normal custom filter function

function customHeaderFilter(headerValue, rowValue, rowData, filterParams){
    //headerValue - the value of the header filter element
    //rowValue - the value of the column in this row
    //rowData - the data for the row being filtered
    //filterParams - params object passed to the headerFilterFuncParams property

    return == && rowValue < headerValue; //must return a boolean, true if it passes the filter.

//column definition object in table constructor
{title:"Age", field:"age", headerFilter:"input", headerFilterPlaceholder:"Max Age", headerFilterFunc:customHeaderFilter, headerFilterFuncParams:{name:"bob"}}

As the above example demostrates it is possible to pass additional parameters to the custom filter function by passing an object to the headerFilterFuncParams option in the column definition.

{title:"Age", field:"age", headerFilter:"input", headerFilterPlaceholder:"Max Age", headerFilterFunc:customHeaderFilter, headerFilterFuncParams:{name:"bob"}}

Placeholder Text

The default placeholder text used for input elements can be set using the headerFilterPlaceholder option in the table definition

    headerFilterPlaceholder:"filter data...", //set column header placeholder text

To set the placeholder text on a per column basis you can use the headerFilterPlaceholder option in the column's definition object.

    headerFilterPlaceholder:"filter data...", //set column header placeholder text
        {title:"Name", field:"name", headerFilter:true, headerFilterPlaceholder:"Find a Person..."} //set placeholder text on name column header filter

Set Header Filter Value New

You can programmatically set the header filter value of a column by calling the setHeaderFilterValue function, This function takes any of the standard column component look up options as its first parameter, with the value for the header filter as the second option

$("#example-table").tabulator("setHeaderFilterValue", "name", "Steve"); //set header filter for name column to  "steve"

Focus On Header Filter New

You can programmatically set the focus on a header filter element by calling the setHeaderFilterFocus function, This function takes any of the standard column component look up options as its first parameter

$("#example-table").tabulator("setHeaderFilterFocus", "name"); //focus on the header filter for the name column


A range of callbacks are available for tracking progress of filtering. See the Filter Callbacks section for more information.

Sorting Data Updated

Tabulator allows you to sort the data in your table in any way you want.

By default Tabulator will attempt to guess which sorter should be applied to a column based on the data contained in the first row. It can determine sorters for strings, numbers, alphanumeric sequences and booleans, anything else will be treated as a string.

To specify a sorter to be used on a column use the param property in the columns definition object

You can pass an optional additional property with sorter, sorterParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the sorter.

{title:"Birthday", field:"birthday", sorter:"date", sorterParams:{format:"DD/MM/YY"}}

Tabulator comes with a number of preconfigured sorters including:

  • string - sorts column as strings of characters
    • optional sorterParams:
      • locale New - the locale code for the string comparison function, (without this the sorter will use the locale of the browser). it can accept:
        • string - the locale code for the sort
        • boolean - set the value to true to use the current table locale
  • number - sorts column as numbers (integer or float, will also handle numbers using "," separators)
  • alphanum - sorts column as alpha numeric code
  • boolean - sorts column as booleans
  • exists New - sorts column ordering if value has a type of "undefined" or not
  • date - sorts column as dates
    • You will need to include the moment.js library to use this sorter
    • optional sorterParams:
      • format - the format of the date (default: DD/MM/YYYY)
  • time - sorts column as time (formatted as hh:mm)
    • You will need to include the moment.js library to use this sorter
    • optional sorterParams:
      • format - the format of the time (default: hh:mm)
  • datetime New - sorts column as datetimes
    • You will need to include the moment.js library to use this sorter
    • optional sorterParams:
      • format - the format of the date (default: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss)
  • array New - sorts arrays of data
    • optional sorterParams:
      • type - Arrays will be sorted by length by default, this property lets you pass a string to choose a different comparison type:
        • length - sort arrays by length
        • sum - sort arrays by sum of their value
        • max - sort arrays by maximum value
        • min - sort arrays by minimum value
        • avg - sort arrays by average value of all elements

Custom Sorters

for advanced sorting can define a custom sorter function in the sorter option:

{title:"Name", field:"name", sorter:function(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, sorterParams){
        //a, b - the two values being compared
        //aRow, bRow - the row components for the values being compared (useful if you need to access additional fields in the row data for the sort)
        //column - the column component for the column being sorted
        //dir - the direction of the sort ("asc" or "desc")
        //sorterParams - sorterParams object from column definition array

        return a - b; //you must return the difference between the two values

The fifth parameter in this callback is a ColumnComponent for the column being sorted.

Header Sorting

By default all columns in a table are sortable by clicking on the column header, if you want to disable this behaviour, set the headerSort property to false in the column definition array:

{title:"Name", field:"name", sorter:"string", headerSort:false} //disable header sorter

You can sort by multiple columns at the same time by holding the ctrl or shift key when you click on the column headers.

Sort Data on Load

When the table is first created it can be setwith an initial set of sorters. These can be set using the initialSort option. This will take the same sorter array as the setSort function. (see Initial Data Sorting for more details)

        {column:"age", dir:"asc"}, //sort by this first
        {column:"height", dir:"desc"}, //then sort by this second

Trigger Sorting Programmatically

You can trigger sorting using the setSort function

$("#example-table").tabulator("setSort", "age", "asc");

If you wish to sort by multiple columns then you can pass an array of sorting objects to this function, the data will then be sorted in the order of the objects.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setSort", [
    {column:"age", dir:"asc"}, //sort by this first
    {column:"height", dir:"desc"}, //then sort by this second

Get Current Sorters

If you need to retrieve the details of the currently sorted column at any point you can use the getSort function.


This will return an array of sort objects with three properties, column the column component for the sorted column, field a string of the field name for the sorted column, and dir a string of either "asc" or "desc" indicating the direction of sort.

    {column:"age", dir:"asc"},
    {column:"height", dir:"desc"}

If the table is not currently sorted then the array will be empty.

Clear All Sorters

To remove all sorting from the table, call the clearSort function.



A range of callbacks are available for tracking progress of sorting. See the Sorting Callbacks section for more information.

Column Calculations Updated

Column calculations can be used to add a row of calculated values to the top or bottom of your table to display information such as the sum of a columns data.

There are two options that can be set in a column definition object to define a calculation, the topCalc option defines a calculation for the top of the column, and the bottomCalc defines a calculation for the bottom of the column. You can define, either, both or neither of the options.

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", topCalc:"avg"} //show average rating

Tabulator comes with a number of preconfigured calculations including:

  • avg - the average value of the column
    • optional topCalcParams/bottomCalcParams:
      • precision - the number of decimals to display (default is 2), setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number
  • max - the maximum value in the column
    • optional topCalcParams/bottomCalcParams:
      • precision New - the number of decimals to display, setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number (default is false)
  • min - the minimum value in the column
    • optional topCalcParams/bottomCalcParams:
      • precision New - the number of decimals to display, setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number (default is false)
  • sum - a sum of all values in the column (only sums numerical columns)
    • optional topCalcParams/bottomCalcParams:
      • precision New - the number of decimals to display, setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number (default is false)
  • concat - join all values into one string
  • count - a count of all non empty cells in the column

You can pass an optional additional parameter with the each calculation option, topCalcParams and bottomCalcParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the calculation function.

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", topCalc:customCalcFunction, topCalcParams:{age:18}}

Note: If a calculation is defined on any column the calculations rows will be shown, any column without a calculations will show as an empty cell in the calculation row

Note: At the moment all calculations are formatted as plain text, formatters for column calculations will be coming soon.

Custom Calculation Function

If you want to perform your own calculations on a column then you can pass a custom calculation function to either of the topCalc or bottomCalc options.

//count number of users over 18
var adultCalc = function(values, data, calcParams){
    //values - array of column values
    //data - all table data
    //calcParams - params passed from the column definition object

    var calc = 0;

        if(value > 18){
            calc ++;

    return calc;

 //in your column definition for the column
 {title:"Age", field:"age", topCalc:adultCalc},

Calculations For Grouped Data

When you are using the groupBy option with your table, the calculation rows will be displayed differently. Instead of being displayed at the top and bottom of the table, they will be displayed inside each group, at the top and bottom of that group, showing the calculations for that group.

Group Calculation Visibility

By default Tabulator will hide column calculations in groups when the group is toggled closed. If you would like column calculations to display when a group is closed, set the groupClosedShowCalcs option to true.

    groupClosedShowCalcs:true, //show column calculations when a group is closed

Formatting Calculation Cells

You can apply formatters (see Formatting Data for more information) to any calculation cells, using the topCalcFormatter and bottomCalcFormatter options in a columns definition object. you can also pass in additional parameters to the formatter functions using the topCalcFormatterParams and bottomCalcFormatterParams options:

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", topCalc:"avg", topCalcFormatter:"star", topCalcFormatterParams:{stars:5}} //apply star formatter to top calculation cell

Getting Calculation Results New

You can retrieve the results of the column calculations at any point using the getCalcResults function.

var results = $("#example-table").tabulator("getCalcResults");

For a table without grouped rows, this will return an object with top and bottom properties, that contain a row data object for all the columns in the table for the top calculations and bottom calculations respectively.


For tables with grouped rows, this will return an object, where each group is represented by a property in the object, with the key for the group being the key for the property. As above each of the grouped objects contains a top and bottom property as well as a groups property that contains the data for any sub groups.

            //data for any sub groups
            //data for any sub groups

Editing & Manipulating Data Updated

Tabulator allows you to manipulate the data in the table in a number of different ways

Editable Data Updated

Columns of the table can be set as editable using the editor property in the column definition. (see Define Columns for more details).

When a user clicks on an editable column the will be able to edit the value for that cell.

By default Tabulator will use an editor that matches the current formatter for that cell. if you wish to specify a specific editor, you can set them per column using the editor option in the column definition. Passing a value of true to this option will result in Tabulator applying the editor that best matches the columns formatter, if present.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with the editor, editorParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the editor.

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", editor:"star", editorParams:{stars:4}}

Tabulator comes with a number of preconfigured editors including:

  • input - editor for plain text.
  • textarea - editor for multi-line text, allows the row to vertically resize to fit the text as it is entered.
  • number Updated- editor for numbers with increment and decrement buttons.
    • optional editorParams:
      • max - the maximum allowed value
      • min - the minimum allowed value
      • step - the step size when incrementing/decrementing the value (default 1)
  • range New - range slider editor for numbers.
    • optional editorParams:
      • max - the maximum allowed value (default 0)
      • min - the minimum allowed value (default 10)
      • step - the step size when incrementing/decrementing the value (default 1)
  • tick - editor for tick and tickCross columns.
  • star - editor for star columns (can use left/right arrow keys and enter for selection as well as mouse).
  • progress - editor for progress bar columns (can use left/right arrow keys and enter for selection as well as mouse)
  • select New - a select box for picking from a set of options. (details of how to use this can be seen below)

Select Editor New

The select editor creates a dropdown select box to allow the user to select from some predefinedoptions, you define the list of options in the editorParams property. There are three ways you can define the options list depending on your needs.

The simplest way to define the list is by passing in an object where the property keys represent the value of the option and their value represents the label of the option.

{title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"select", editorParams:{
    "steve":"Steve Boberson",
    "bob":"Bob Jimmerson",
    "jim":"Jim Stevenson",

For more complex option lists you can use an array of objects, that allows you to define option groups, and disabled options.

{title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"select", editorParams:[
    //option group

        //options in option group
            label:"Steve Boberson",
            label:"Bob Jimmerson",

    //option group

        //options in option group
            label:"Jenny Jillerson",
            label:"Jill Betterson",

    //ungrouped option

    //disabled option

If you want to generate the options when the select editor is triggered, then you can pass a function into the editorParams, that must return the option list in one of the two formats outlined above

{title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"select", editorParams:function(cell){

    //create a options list of all names currently in the table

    var rows = $("example-table").tabulator("getRows");
    var options = {};

        var data = row.getData();

        options[] =;

    return options;

Custom Editor

If you need a different type of editor, you can pass a custom editor function to the editor option. This function should take four parameters, a CellComponent for the cell being edited, a function to call when the cell has ben rendered, which can be used to set focus or tidy up the display after the element has become visible, a function to call to pass back the new value, when the user hassuccessfully entered new data in the cell, and a function to call if the user aborts the edit.

var dateEditor = function(cell, onRendered, success, cancel){
    //cell - the cell component for the editable cell
    //onRendered - function to call when the editor has been rendered
    //success - function to call to pass thesuccessfully updated value to Tabulator
    //cancel - function to call to abort the edit and return to a normal cell

    //create and style editor
    var editor = $("<input type='date'></input>");

    //Set value of editor to the current value of the cell
    editor.val(moment(cell.getValue(), "DD/MM/YYYY").format("YYYY-MM-DD"));

    //set focus on the select box when the editor is selected (timeout allows for editor to be added to DOM)

    //when the value has been set, trigger the cell to update
    editor.on("change blur", function(e){
        success(moment(editor.val(), "YYYY-MM-DD").format("DD/MM/YYYY"));

    //return the editor element
    return editor;

//in your column definition for the column
{title:"Birthday", field:"dob", editor:dateEditor}}

Blue Event
It is important to note that a custom editor must specify how to handle a blur event on its element by either calling the success or cancel functions. This is because when a user clicks or tabs out of a cell, the blur event will be fired and must be handled to move on to the next cell. As a fallback Tabulator will cancel the edit if an editor is blured and the event has not been correctly handled.

Optional Editing Updated

There are some circumstances where you may want to block editability of a cell for one reason or another. To meet this need you can use the editable option. This lets you set a callback that is executed before the editor is built, if this callback returns true the editor is added, if it returns false the edit is aborted and the cell remains a non editable cell. The function is passed one parameter, the CellComponent of the cell about to be edited. You can also pass a boolean value instead of a function to this property.

var editCheck = function(cell){
    //cell - the cell component for the editable cell

    //get row data
    var data = cell.getRow().getData();

    return data.age > 18; // only allow the name cell to be edited if the age is over 18

//in your column definition for the column
{title:"Name", field:"name", editor:"input", editable:editCheck}

Data Mutation
if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to your edited value as it is being parsed into the table. (see Mutators for more details)

Validating Data Updated

You can set validators on columns to ensure that any user input into your editable cells matches your requirements.

Validators can be applied by using the validator property in a columns definition object (see Define Columns for more details).

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", editor:"input", validator:"required"}

When using validators that take properties you can pass in an object:

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", editor:"input", validator:{

Or you can use the shorthand notation, separating the type and parameter with a : symbol:

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", editor:"input", validator:"max:5"}

Tabulator has a wide variety of built in validators:

  • required - value cannot be null or an empty string
  • unique - no other row in the column can have this value
  • integer - value must be an integer
  • float - value must be a float
  • numeric - value must be a number
  • string - value must be a non-numeric string
  • min - value must be greater than or equal to parameter
     {validator:"min:5"} \\value must be greater than or equal to 5
  • max - value must be less than or equal to parameter
     {validator:"max:5"} \\value must be less than or equal to 5
  • minLength - string value must have a length greater than or equal to parameter
     {validator:"minLength:5"} \\value must have a length greater than or equal to 5
  • maxLength - string value must have a length less than or equal to parameter
     {validator:"maxLength:5"} \\value must have a length less than or equal to 5
  • in - value must be an empty string or match a value from the | delimited string in the parameter
     {validator:"in:red|green|blue"} \\value must be 'red', 'green' or 'blue'
  • regex - value must match supplied regex
     {validator:"regex:\\.com$"} \\allow strings that end in '.com'

If the validation fails the tabulator-validation-fail class will be applied to the cell and the validationFailed callback will be triggered. The user will not be able to leave the cell until they input a valid value or cancel the edit (press escape).

Note By default all validators, except the required validator will approve any empty value (ie. empty string, null or undefined). to ensure empty values are rejected you should use the required validator.

Custom Validator Functions

If you want to add your own custom validation functions, you can pass a function to the validator property. It should return true if the value passes validation and false if it fails:

//validator to prevent values divisible by five
var noDivideFive = function(cell, value, parameters){
    //cell - the cell component for the edited cell
    //value - the new input value of the cell
    //parameters - the parameters passed in with the validator

    return value % 5; //don't allow values divisible by 5;

//in your column definition for the column
{title:"Age", field:"age", editor:"input", validator:noDivideFive}

Multiple Validaitors

You can use multiple validators on the same column by passing an array to the validator property

{title:"Rating", field:"rating", editor:"input", validator:["required", "max:5"]}


A range of callbacks are available for validation. See the Validation Callbacks section for more information.

Updating Data

If you want to update an existing set of data in the table, without completely replacing the data as the setData method would do, you can use the updateData method.

This function takes an array of row objects and will update each row based on its index value. (the index defaults to the "id" parameter, this can be set using the index option in the tabulator constructor). Options without an index will be ignored, as will items with an index that is not already in the table data. The addRow function should be used to add new data to the table.

$("#example-table").tabulator("updateData", [{id:1, name:"bob", gender:"male"}, {id:2, name:"Jenny", gender:"female"}]);

The function will not replace the rows with the provided data, it will only update any of the provided parameters.

//data before update {id:1, name:"Steve", gender:"male", age:20}

$("#example-table").tabulator("updateData", [{id:1, name:"bob"}]); //update data

//data after update  = {id:1, name:"bob", gender:"male", age:20}

Add Data

You can add a data to the existing table data using the addData function.

The first argument should be an array of row data objects. If you do not pass data for a column, it will be left empty.

The second argument is optional and determines whether the data is added to the top or bottom of the table. A value of true will add the data to the top of the table, a value of false will add the data to the bottom of the table. If the parameter is not set the data will be placed according to the addRowPos global option.

$("#example-table").tabulator("addData", [{id:1, name:"bob", gender:"male"}, {id:2, name:"Jenny", gender:"female"}], true);

By default any new rows will be added to the bottom of the table, to change this to the top set the addRowPos option to "top";

If you want to insert the data next to an existing row you can pass an optional third argument to the function that will position the new rows next to the specified row (above or below based on the value of the second argument). This argument will take any of the standard row component look up options:

$("#example-table").tabulator("addData", [{id:6, name:"bob", gender:"male"}, {id:7, name:"Jenny", gender:"female"}], true, 3); //add new data above existing row with index of 3

Data Mutation
if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to the new data before the data is added. (see Mutators for more details)

Update or Add Data

If the data you are passing to the table contains a mix of existing rows to be updated and new rows to be added then you can call the updateOrAddData function. This will check each row object provided and update the existing row if available, or else create a new row with the data.

$("#example-table").tabulator("updateOrAddData", [{id:1, name:"bob"}, {id:3, name:"steve"}]);

Data Mutation
if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to the new data before the table is updated. (see Mutators for more details)

Retreiving Data

Retrieve All Data

You can retrieve the data stored in the table using the getData function.

var data = $("#example-table").tabulator("getData");

This will return an array containing the data objects for each row in the table.

By default getData will return an array containing all the data held in the Tabulator. If you only want to access the currently filtered/sorted elements, you can pass a value of true to the first argument of the function.

var data = $("#example-table").tabulator("getData", true); //return currently filtered data

Retrieve Row Data

To retrieve the data of a specific row, you can retrieve the Row Component with the getRow function, then use the getData function on the component. The first argument is the row you are looking for, it will take any of the standard row component look up options.

var row = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRow", 1); //return row component with index of 1
var rowData = row.getData();

Data Accessors
If you have defined any accessors on your columns, then these will be applied to the data before the data is returned from any of the above functions. (see Accessors for more details)

Retrieving Row Components

You can retrieve all the row components in the table using the getRows function.

var rows = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRows");

This will return an array containing the Row Component for each row in the table.

By default getRows will return an array containing all the Row Component's held in the Tabulator. If you only want to access the currently filtered/sorted elements, you can pass a value of true to the first argument of the function.

var rows = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRows", true); //return currently filtered data

Find Row Position In Table New

Use the getRowPosition function to retrieve the numerical position of a row in the table. By default this will return the position of the row in all data, including data currently filtered out of the table.

The first argument is the row you are looking for, it will take any of the standard row component look up options. If you want to get the position of the row in the currently filtered/sorted data, you can pass a value of true to the optional second argument of the function.

var position = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRowPosition", row, true); //return the position of the row in the filtered/sorted data

NoteIf the row is not found, a value of -1 will be returned, row positions start at 0

Get Row From Position In Table New

You can retrieve the Row Component of a row at a given position in the table using getRowFromPosition function. By default this will return the row based in its position in all table data, including data currently filtered out of the table.

If you want to get a row based on its position in the currently filtered/sorted data, you can pass a value of true to the optional second argument of the function.

var row = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRowFromPosition", 5, true); //return 6th row in the visible table data

Retrieve data as HTML Table

You can retrieve the table data as a simple HTML table using the getHtml function.

var table = $("#example-table").tabulator("getHtml");

This will return a HTML encoded string of the table data.

By default getHtml will return a table containing all the data held in the Tabulator. If you only want to access the currently filtered/sorted elements, you can pass a value of true to the first argument of the function.

var table = $("#example-table").tabulator("getHtml", true); //build table from filtered data only

You can hide a column from the HTML output by setting the hideInHtml property to true on its column definition.

{title:"Name", field:"name", hideInHtml:true}

Emptying the Table

You can remove all data from the table using the clearData function:


Row Manipulation

There are a number of ways to manipulate individual rows in the table without affecting any other currently rendered rows.

Add Row

You can add a row to the table using the addRow function.

The first argument should be a row data object. If you do not pass data for a column, it will be left empty. To create a blank row (ie for a user to fill in), pass an empty object to the function.

The second argument is optional and determines whether the row is added to the top or bottom of the table. A value of true will add the row to the top of the table, a value of false will add the row to the bottom of the table. If the parameter is not set the row will be placed according to the addRowPos global option.

$("#example-table").tabulator("addRow", {name:"Billy Bob", age:"12", gender:"male", height:1}, true);

By default any new rows will be added to the bottom of the table, to change this to the top set the addRowPos option to "top";

If you want to add the row next to an existing row you can pass an optional third argument to the function that will position the new row next to the specified row (above or below based on the value of the second argument). This argument will take any of the standard row component look up options:

$("#example-table").tabulator("addRow", {name:"Billy Bob", age:"12"}, true, 3); //add new row above existing row with index of 3

Data Mutation
if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to the new data before the row is added. (see Mutators for more details)

Update Row

You can update any row in the table using the updateRow function.

The first argument is the row you want to update, it will take any of the standard row component look up options.

The second argument should be the updated data object for the row. As with the updateData function, this will not replace the existing row data object, it will only update any of the provided parameters.

$("#example-table").tabulator("updateRow", 1, {id:1, name:"bob", gender:"male"});

Once complete, this function will trigger the rowUpdated and dataEdited events.

This function will return true if the update was successful or false if the requested row could not be found. If the new data matches the existing row data, no update will be performed.

If you already have the RowComponent for the row you wish to update, you can call the update function directly on the component:

row.update({"name":"steve"}); //update the row data for field "name"

Data Mutation
if you have defined any mutator functions in your column definition array, these will be applied to the new data before the row is updated. (see Mutators for more details)

Update or Add Row

If you don't know whether a row already exists you can use the updateOrAddRow function. This will check if a row with a matching index exists, if it does it will update it, if not it will add a new row with that data. This takes the same arguments as the updateRow function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("updateOrAddRow", 3, {id:3, name:"steve", gender:"male"});

Get Row Element

To retrieve the jQuery element of a specific row, you can retrieve the RowComponent with the getRow function, then use the getElement function on the component. The first argument is the row you are looking for, it will take any of the standard row component look up options.

var row = $("#example-table").tabulator("getRow", 1); //return row component with index of 1
var rowElement = row.getElement();

Delete Row

You can delete any row in the table using the deleteRow function. The first argument is the row you want to delete, it will take any of the standard row component look up options.

$("#example-table").tabulator("deleteRow", 15);

If you already have the RowComponent for the row you wish to delete, you can call the delete function directly on the component:


Interaction History Updated

If you set the history option to true, Tabulator will keep track of user interactions with the table and allow users to undo/redo those actions.

    history:true, //record table history

The history extension tracks the following actions:

  • Cell Edits
  • Row Added
  • Row Deleted
  • Row Moved New

Undo Action

With history enabled you can use the undo function to automatically undo a user action, the more times you call the function, the further up the history log you go.


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the ctrl + z key combination.

Redo Action

With history enabled you can use the redo function to automatically redo user action that has been undone, the more times you call the function, the further up the history log you go. once a user interacts with the table then can no longer redo any further actions until an undo is performed


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the ctrl + y key combination.

Callbacks New

A range of callbacks are available for tracking history actions. See the History Callbacks section for more information.


When a cell is being edited it is possible to move the editor focus from the current cell to one if its neighbours. There are a number of functions that can be called to move the focus in different directions.

Note: These actions will only work when a cell is editable and has focus.

Note: Navigation commands will only focus on editable cells, that is cells with an editor and if present an editable function that returns true.

Previous Cell

Use the navigatePrev function to shift focus to the next editable cell on the left, if none available move to the right most editable cell on the row above.


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the shift + tab key combination.

Next Cell

Use the navigateNext function to shift focus to the next editable cell on the right, if none available move to left most editable cell on the row below.


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the tab key combination.

Left Cell

Use the navigateLeft function to shift focus to next editable cell on the left, return false if none available on row.


Right Cell

Use the navigateRight function to shift focus to next editable cell on the right, return false if none available on row.


Up Cell

Use the navigateUp function to shift focus to the same cell in the row above.


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the up arrow key combination.

Down Cell

Use the navigateDown function to shift focus to the same cell in the row below.


If the keybindings extension is installed, this action can also be triggered with the down arrow key combination.

Navigation from Cell Components

If you have a CellComponent, you can call navigation functions directly on the component. For more details see the CellComponent documentation


A range of callbacks are available for tracking progress of data manipulation. See the Data Callbacks section for more information.

Table Layout Updated

Tabulator has loads of different ways of customizing the layout the table, have a look through the next few sections to see how you can configure your tables to meet your use case.

Layout Modes

You can choose how your table should layout its columns by setting the layout mode, in the configuration options:


Tabulator has a number of different layout modes to choose from

Fit Columns to Data

By default Tabulator will use the fitData layout mode, which will resize the tables columns to fit the data held in each column, unless you specify a width or minWidth in the column constructor. If the width of all columns exceeds the width of the containing element, a scroll bar will appear.


Fit Columns to Data and Fill

The fitDataFill layout mode functions in the same way as the fitData mode, but ensures that rows are always at least the full width of the table.


Fit Columns to Container

As an alternative to the default data fit, you can use the fitColumns layout mode to cause Tabulator to resize columns so they fit perfectly in the available table width.

If a width is specified on any columns, where possible the columns will be set at this width and other columns will be resized around them. If there is not enough space to fit all the columns in, then all column widths are ignored and they are sized equally.

In this layout style at least one column must not have a width specified so it can be resized to fill any spare space.


Update Column Widths On New Data New

To keep the layout of the columns consistent, once the column widths have been set on the first data load (either from the data property in the constructor or the setData function) they will not be changed when new data is loaded.

If you would prefer that the column widths adjust to the data each time you load it into the table you can set the layoutColumnsOnNewData property to true.


Responsive Layout

Responsive layout will automatically hide/show columns to fit the width of the Tabulator element. This allows for clean rendering of tables on smaller mobile devices, showing important data while avoiding horizontal scroll bars. You can enable responsive layouts using the responsiveLayout option.

    responsiveLayout:true, // this option takes a boolean value (default = false)

By default, columns will be hidden from right to left as the width of the table decreases. You can choose exactly how columns are hidden using the responsive property in the column definition object.

When responsive layout is enabled, all columns are given a default responsive value of 1. The higher you set this value the sooner that column will be hidden as the table width decreases. If two columns have the same responsive value then they are hidden from right to left (as defined in the column definition array, ignoring user moving of the columns). If you set the value to 0 then the column will never be hidden regardless of how narrow the table gets.

    responsiveLayout:true, // enable responsive layouts
    columns:[ //set column definitions for imported table data
        {title:"Name", field:"name", responsive:0}, // this column wil never be hidden
        {title:"Age", field:"age" , responsive:3}, // hidden first
        {title:"Gender", field:"gender" }, // hidden fifth
        {title:"Height", field:"height" , responsive:2}, // hidden third
        {title:"Favourite Color", field:"color" , responsive:2}, // hidden second
        {title:"Date of Birth", field:"dob" }, // hidden fourth

Note: If you are using the fitColumns feature, you will need to set a minWidth property on the columns you want to respond responsively to ensure they are hidden when necessary, otherwise Tabulator will keep on reducing the width of the columns instead.

Resizable Rows New

You can allow the user to manually resize rows by dragging the top or bottom border of a row. To enable this functionality, set the resizableRows property to true

    resizableRows:true, // this option takes a boolean value (default = false)

Resizable Columns Updated

By default it is possible to manually resize columns by dragging the borders of the column in both the column headers and the cells of the column.

If you want to alter this behaviour you can use the resizableColumns to choose where the resize handles are available. It supports four possible options:

  • true - enable column resizing from both cells and headers
  • "header" - enable column resizing from headers only
  • "cell" - enable column resizing from cells only
  • false - disable column resizing
    resizableColumns:false, // this option takes a boolean value (default = true)

Note: If you double click on a resizable border it will resize the column to fit the data it contains.

Minimum Column Width

It is possible to set a minimum column width to prevent resizing columns from becoming too small.

This can be set globally, by setting the columnMinWidth option to the column width when you create your Tabulator.

This option can be overridden on a per column basis by setting the minWidth property on the column definition.

    columnMinWidth:80, //Minimum column width in px (default = 40)

Wrap Column Header Title Text

By default Tabulator will try and keep column header titles on one line, truncating the text with ellipsis if it gets wider that the column.

If you would like to wrap the text instead then you will need to edit the CSS white-space value for the column headers and set it to normal.

.tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col .tabulator-col-content .tabulator-col-title {
    white-space: normal;

Frozen Columns

You can freeze the position of columns on the left and right of the table using the frozen property in the column definition array. This will keep the column still when the table is scrolled horizontally.

        {title:"Name", field:"name", frozen:true}, //frozen column on left of table
        {title:"Age", field:"age"},
        {title:"Eye Colour", field:"eyes"},
        {title:"Height", field:"height", frozen:true}, //frozen column on right of table

You can freeze any number of columns on the left or right of the table, but they must be next to each other in the column definition array.

Tabulator builds the frozen columns by looking through the column definition array from both sides, building up the frozen columns as it see the frozen property. Once a non-frozen column is reached it stops building the frozen list for that side of the table.

Note: Frozen columns are locked in place and cannot be reordered by dragging and dropping the column header. It is also not possible to freeze a column that is part of a column group.

Note: At lease one column must not be frozen for the table to render correctly. If you want to freeze all your columns then you will achieve the same effect by not freezing any.

Frozen Rows New

You can freeze a row at the top of the table by calling the freeze function on the Row Component of any row. This will insert the row above the scrolling portion of the table in the table header.


A frozen row can be unfrozen using the unfreeze function on the Row Component of any row. This will remove the row from the table header and re-insert it back in the table.


Note: Freezing or unfreezing a row will redraw the table.

Table Resizing New

Tabulator will automatically attempt to redraw the data contained in the table if the containing element for the table is resized. To disable this functionality, set the autoResize property to false

    autoResize:false, // prevent auto resizing of table

Note: Tabulator uses the ResizeObserver JavaScript API to watch for resizing of the table, at present this is only available on the Chrome browser in versions 64 and above. In browsers without this functionality, Tabulator will fallback to using the window resize event which will only be able to detect changes on the window size, not on the table element itself.

Redrawing the table

If the size of the element containing the Tabulator changes (and you are not able to use the in built auto-resize functionality) or you create a table before its containing element is visible, it will necessary to redraw the table to make sure the rows and columns render correctly.

This can be done by calling the redraw method. For example, to trigger a redraw whenever the viewport width is changed:


The redraw function also has an optional boolean argument that when set to true triggers a full rerender of the table including all data on all rows.

    $("#example-table").tabulator("redraw", true); //trigger full rerender including all data and rows

Virtual DOM Updated

As of version 3.0 tabulator renders its table using a Virtual DOM, this means that it only renders the rows you seen in the table (plus a few above and below the current view) and creates and destroys the rows as you scroll through the table.

This allows tabulator to handle thousands of rows with no overhead as it only processes the information it needs to display.

In order for the virtual DOM to function correctly you must ensure that the table element has a height you can either define this in the CSS for the element or set it using the height option in the table constructor, this can be set to any valid CSS value. If no height is set the table will revert to the standard DOM mode and try and render all rows at once, which will have a performance impact on tables with a large number of rows.


Note: In version 3.3 and below you were required to set the height option to use the virtual DOM, as of 3.4 this is no longer the case and you can define the height inline on the element or in the CSS and the virtual DOM will still work.

Note: It is not possible to externally add event bindings to elements in the table because they are created and destroyed by Tabulator as needed. The good news is there are callbacks and options to register almost every binding through the setup options.

Render Buffer

The virtual DOM renders a number of rows above and below the visible rows to ensure a smooth scrolling experience. This buffer will be set at the current of the height of table so there is always and additional tables height worth of rows above and beyond the view.

In some situations, where you have a full screen table with a large number of columns, this can result in slow rendering performance in older browsers. In these situations it is possible to manually set the height of the buffer in pixels using the virtualDomBuffer option. By setting this to a smaller number than the height you can reduce the number of rows that are rendered and increase the performance on older browsers.

    virtualDomBuffer:300, //set virtual DOM buffer to 300px

Changing Table Height

If you want to manually change the height of the table at any time, you can use the setHeight function, which will also redraw the virtual DOM if necessary.

If the height of the table changes at any point (for example the height is set at a percentage and the user resizes the window), you will need to call the redraw function to ensure that the virtual DOM updates to display the correct number of rows.


Standard DOM Exceptions Updated

When pagination is enabled Tabulator will revert to using standard DOM rendering as it will only be displaying one page at a time.

Disabling the Virtual DOM

if you need to disable virtual rendering for any reason you can set the virtualDom option to false to force standard rendering.

    virtualDom:false, //disable virtual DOM rendering

Note: You must have the height option set to enable progressive rendering.

Empty Table Placeholder

You can use the placeholder option to display a message to your users when the table has no data set. The function can either take a string to display or, the HTML or jQuery element to display in the empty table.

    placeholder:"No Data Available", //display message to user on empty table

Table Footer

The footer element that the tables uses for holding pagination elements etc, is automatically generated by Tabulator.

If you want to use your own element for any reason, for example you want to add additional elements to the footer, then you can use the footerElement option to pass a jquery selector for the footer element into the table.

    footerElement:$("<div class='tabulator-footer'><button>Custom Button</button></div>"), //set custom table footer with custom button

Note: To ensure correct functioning of the table, it is recommended that you apply the tabulator-footer class to the footer element


A range of callbacks are available for tracking progress of table rendering. See the Layout Callbacks section for more information.

Persistent Configuration

Tabulator can store a variety of table setup options so that each time a user comes back to the page, the table is laid out just as they left it.

Persistence Mode New

Persistence information can either be stored in a cookie or in the localSotrage object, you can use the persistenceMode to choose which. It can take three possible values:

  • local - (string) Store the persistence information in the localStorage object
  • cookie - (string) Store the persistence information in a cookie
  • true - (boolean) check if localStorage is available and store persistence information, otherwise store in cookie (Default option)
    persistenceMode:"cookie", //store persistence information in a cookie

Persistence ID Updated

If you are planning on having multiple tables on the same page using persistence then Tabulator needs a way to uniquely identify each table. There are two ways to do this either set the id attribute on the element that will hold the table, Tabulator will automatically use this id as a reference for the persistence id.

<div id="example-table"></div>

Alternatively if you do not want to give an id to the table holding element you can set the tabulator options parameter persistenceID to a unique persistence id for that table.

    persistenceID:"example1", //id string, can only be numbers, letters, hyphens and underscores.
    persistentLayout:true, //Enable column layout persistence

Persistent Column Layout Updated

You can ensure the layout of columns is stored for the next page load by setting the persistentLayout option to true

    persistentLayout:true, //Enable column layout persistence

Note: If you update the column definition array after the the column layout has been stored you will have to change the persistenceID or delete your cookies/local storage to clear out the old column layout information, otherwise you may get errors when your table renders.

Get Column Layout Information

If you want to handle column layout persistence manually, for example storing it in a database to use elsewhere, you can use the getColumnLayout function to retrieve a layout object for the current table.

var columnLayout = $("#example-table").tabulator("getColumnLayout");

Set Column Layout

If you have previously used the getColumnLayout function to retrieve a tables layout, you can use the setColumnLayout function to apply it to a table.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setColumnLayout", columnLayout);

Persistent Sort New

You can ensure the data sorting is stored for the next page load by setting the persistentSort option to true

    persistentSort:true, //Enable sort persistence

Persistent Filter New

You can ensure the data filtering is stored for the next page load by setting the persistentFilter option to true

    persistentFilter:true, //Enable filter persistence

Note: Only built-in filters can be stored (including extensions), custom filter functions cannot be persistently stored.

Note: Header filters are not currently stored persistently, this feature will be coming in a future release.


If you would prefer to display your data as pages rather than a scrolling list Tabulator can help you out there too.

There are two forms of pagination available. local pagination, where Tabulator will parse in all available data and then paginate this data set. Or remote pagination, where Tabulator will load individual pages of data via Ajax from a remote server.

When pagination is enabled, a footer element will be added to the bottom of the table, with a range of navigation controls to allow your users to easily switch between pages.

The first page of a table will automatically be loaded when the table is created if pagination is enabled.

If you are a Laravel user then you should find that the auto generated URL's and data processing work straight out the box with no additional configuration needed.

Note: Changing the filter or sorting while pagination is enabled will revert the table back to the first page.

Note: Pagination and row grouping cannot be used together, enabling one will disable the other.

Remote Pagination

To enable remote pagination, set the pagination option to remote, and set the url for the Ajax request using the ajaxURL parameter. You can also pass an optional object to ajaxParams for any parameters you want to pass with the url (these should be static parameters, the page number etc, will be added later on).

By default the page size will be set by the amount of data returned by the remote server, if you need to tell the remote server how many rows to send you can set the paginationSize parameter.

    pagination:"remote", //enable remote pagination
    ajaxURL:"", //set url for ajax request
    ajaxParams:{token:"ABC123"}, //set any standard parameters to pass with the request
    paginationSize:5, //optional parameter to request a certain number of rows per page

Request URL

Tabulator will automatically create a page request URL when a user selects a page.

By default a url will be generated using the provided ajaxURL and a number of system generated parameters:

  • page - the page number being requested
  • size - the number of rows to a page (if paginationSize is set)
  • sort - the first currently sorted field (if any)
  • sort_dir - the first currently sort direction (if any)
  • filter - the first currently filtered field (if any)
  • filter_value - the first current filter value (if any)
  • filter_type - the first current filter type (if any)

If you need to change the names of any of these parameters to fit your existing system, you can use the paginationDataSent option to set alternative parameter names.

    pagination:"remote", //enable remote pagination
    ajaxURL:"", //set url for ajax request
        "page":"pageNo", //change page request parameter to "pageNo"
    } ,

Custom Pagination URL Construction

If you need to have more complex control over the request URL, you can pass a callback to the paginator option to return the URL you wish to use for each page.

    pagination:"remote", //enable remote pagination
    ajaxURL:"", //set url for ajax request
    paginator: function(url, pageNo, pageSize, ajaxParams ){
        //url - the url from the ajaxURL parameter
        //pageNo - the requested page number
        //pageSize - the value of the paginationSize parameter
        //ajaxParams - the value of the ajaxParams parameter

        return ""; //must return the string of the page request URL

Note: If you use a paginator function you will need to manyally add the sort and filter parameters to the request url.

Returned Data

The remote server should return a JSON formatted object with the following structure:

    "last_page":15, //the total number of available pages (this value must be greater than 0)
    "data":[ // an array of row data objects
        {id:1, name:"bob", age:"23"}, //example row data object

If you need to change the names of any of these parameters to fit your existing system, you can use the paginationDataReceived option to set alternative parameter names.

    pagination:"remote", //enable remote pagination
    ajaxURL:"", //set url for ajax request
        "last_page":"max_pages", //change last_page parameter name to "max_pages"
    } ,

Local Pagination

Local pagination works by loading the entire data set into the table then generating paged views of that data.

To enable local pagination set the pagination option to local.

    pagination:"local", //enable local pagination.

Setting Page size

With local pagination there are a couple ways to set the number of rows in each page.

You can specify the page size during table creation by setting the paginationSize option. If no height option is specified the table will resize to fit the number of rows on the page.

    pagination:"local", //enable local pagination.
    paginationSize:5, // this option can take any positive integer value (default = 10)

Alternatively, if you specify the height option, and don't define the paginationSize option the page size will be automatically set to fill the height of the table.

    pagination:"local", //enable local pagination.

Advance Controls

A number of additional controls are available to help customize the pagination experience.

Set Current Page

When pagination is enabled the table footer will contain a number of pagination controls for navigating through the data.

In addition to these controls it is possible to change page using the setPage function

$("#example-table").tabulator("setPage", 5); // show page 5

The setPage function takes one parameter, which should be an integer representing the page you wish to see. There are also four strings that you can pass into the parameter for special functions.

  • "first" - show the first page
  • "prev" - show the previous page
  • "next" - show the next page
  • "last" - show the last page

Change Page Size

You can change the page size at any point by using the setPageSize function. (this setting will be ignored if using remote pagination with the page size set by the server)

$("#example-table").tabulator("setPageSize", 50); // show 50 rows per page

Get Page Size

To retrieve the number of rows allowed per page you can call the getPageSize function:

var pageSize = $("#example-table").tabulator("getPageSize"); // returns number of rows allowed per page

Get Current Page Number

To retrieve the current page use the getPage function. this will return the number of the current page. If pagination is disabled this will return false.

$("#example-table").tabulator("getPage"); // returns current page

Get Maximum Page Number

To retrieve the maximum available page use the getPageMax function. this will return the number of the maximum available page. If pagination is disabled this will return false.

$("#example-table").tabulator("getPageMax"); // returns maximum page

Custom Pagination Control Element

By default the pagination controls are added to the footer of the table. If you wish the controls to be created in another element pass a JQuery object for that element to the paginationElement option.

    paginationElement:$("#pagination-element"), //build pagination controls in this element


A range of callbacks are available for pagination. See the Pagination Callbacks section for more information.

Grouping Data Updated

You can group rows together that share a column value, this creates a visible header for each group and allows the user to collapse groups that they don't want to see.

Rows can be grouped by a common field value by setting the groupBy option to the name of the field to be grouped.


If you need to group by more complex value, you can pass a function that returns a string that represents the group.

    //data - the data object for the row being grouped

    return data.gender + " - " + data.age; //groups by data and age

Note: Grouping and pagination cannot be used together, enabling one will disable the other.

Custom Group Headers

You can set the contents of the group headers with the groupHeader option. This should return the contents of the group header.

groupHeader:function(value, count, data, group){
    //value - the value all members of this group share
    //count - the number of rows in this group
    //data - an array of all the row data objects in this group
    //group - the group component for the group

    return value + "<span style='color:#d00; margin-left:10px;'>(" + count + " item)</span>";

Group Open State

You can set the default open state of groups using the groupStartOpen property.


This can take one of three possible values:

  • true - all groups start open (default value)
  • false - all groups start closed
  • function() - a callback to decide if a group should start open or closed

Group Open Function

If you want to decide on a group by group basis which should start open or closed then you can pass a function to the groupStartOpen property. This should return true if the group should start open or false if the group should start closed.

groupStartOpen:function(value, count, data, group){
    //value - the value all members of this group share
    //count - the number of rows in this group
    //data - an array of all the row data objects in this group
    //group - the group component for the group

    return count > 3; //all groups with more than three rows start open, any with three or less start closed

Group Toggle Element

By default Tabulator allows users to toggle a group open or closed by clicking on the arrow icon in the left of the group header. If you would prefer a different behaviour you can use the groupToggleElement option to choose a different option:

   groupToggleElement:"header", //toggle group on click anywhere in the group header

The option can take one of three values:

  • arrow - togggle group on arrow element click
  • header - toggle group on click anywhere on the group header element
  • false - prevent clicking anywhere in the group toggling the group

Multi Level Grouping

To set multiple levels of grouping, pass an array to the groupBy option. Each item in the array will be a sub-group of the previous item.

groupBy:["gender", "color"], //group by gender then favourite color

To then set the default open state of each of these levels you can pass an array to the groupStartOpen option.

groupStartOpen:[true, false], //start with gender groups open and color sub groups closed

You can also set a different header for each level of group, as above you pass an array to the groupHeader option.

    function(value, count, data){ //generate header contents for gender groups
        return value + "<span style='color:#d00; margin-left:10px;'>(" + count + " item)</span>";
    function(value, count, data){ //generate header contents for color groups
        return value + "<span style='color:#0dd; margin-left:10px;'>(" + count + " item)</span>";

Sub Group Styling

Each group header element is assigned a class based on its level in the grouping list. This allows you to differentiate between different gouping levels by styling their classes. By default each level's headers are indented more than the last.

For example, all group headers in the first grouping level will be assigned the class tabulator-group-level-1

Note: You can have as many levels of subgroup as you like, but Tabulator only comes with indent styling built in for the first five levels of subgroup.

Changing Group Setup

If you want to alter the structure of the groups after the table has been created there are a number of functions available.

Change the GroupBy Fields

You can use the setGroupBy function to change the fields that rows are grouped by. This function has one argument and takes the same values as passed to the groupBy setup option.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setGroupBy", "gender");

Change the Start Open States

You can use the setGroupStartOpen function to change the default open state of groups. This function has one argument and takes the same values as passed to the groupStartOpen setup option.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setGroupStartOpen", true);

Change the Header Formatter

You can use the setGroupHeader function to change the header generation function for each group. This function has one argument and takes the same values as passed to the groupHeader setup option.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setGroupHeader", function(value, count, data){
    //value - the value all members of this group share
    //count - the number of rows in this group
    //data - an arrya of all the row data objects in this group

    return value + " (" + count + " items)" ; //return the header contents

Note: If you use the setGroupStartOpen or setGroupHeader before you have set any groups on the table, the table will not update until the setGroupBy function is called.

Get Group Components

You can use the getGroups function to retrieve an array of all the first level Group Components in the table.

var groups = $("#example-table").tabulator("getGroups");

Movable Rows and Grouping New

If you move a row between groups, its values will be updated to match those of the new group.

If you move or delete the last row in a group out of that group, that group will be removed.


A range of callbacks are available for grouping. See the Group Callbacks section for more information.

Selectable Rows

Row selection allows users to select and highlight a number of rows that you can then take action on. This allows rows to be selected in a number of ways:

  • Clicking on a row, to toggle its state.
  • Holding down the shift key and click dragging over a number of rows to toggle the state of all rows the cursor passes over.
  • Programmatically with the selectRow and deselectRow functions.

To enable row selection, set the selectable option to true


The selectable option can take one of a several values:

  • false - selectable rows are disabled
  • true - selectable rows are enabled, and you can select as many as you want
  • integer - any integer value, this sets the maximum number of rows that can be selected (when the maximum number of selected rows is exceded, the first selected row will be deselected to allow the next row to be selected).
  • "highlight" (default) - rows have the same hover stylings as selectable rows but do not change state when clicked. This is great for when you want to show that a row is clickable but don't want it to be selectable.

Note: using the setData function will clear the currently selected rows.

Rolling Selection

By default, row selection works on a rolling basis, if you set the selectable option to a numeric value then when you select past this number of rows, the first row to be selected will be deselected. If you want to disabled this behaviour and instead prevent selection of new rows once the limit is reached you can set the selectableRollingSelection option to false.

    selectableRollingSelection:false, // disable rolling selection

Persistent Selection

By default Tabulator will maintain selected rows when the table is filtered, sorted or paginated (but NOT when the setData function is used). If you want the selected rows to be cleared whenever the table view is updated then set the selectablePersistence option to false.

    selectablePersistence:false, // disable rolling selection

Selection Eligibility

You many want to exclude certain rows from being selected. The selectableCheck options allows you to pass a function to check if the current row should be selectable, returning true will allow row selection, false will result in nothing happening. The function should accept a RowComponent as its first argument.

        //row - row component
        return row.getData().age > 18; //allow selection of rows where the age is greater than 18

Note: Any selectable rows will be assigned the tabulator-selectable class, any unselectable rows will be assigned the tabulator-unselectable class.

Programmatic Row Selection

As well as clicking on a row, you can trigger the selection or deselection of a row programmatically.

Select Row

To programmatically select a row you can use the selectRow function.

To select a specific row you can pass the any of the standard row component look up options into the first argument of the function. If you leave the argument blank you will select all rows (if you have set the selectable option to a numeric value, it will be ignored when selecting all rows).

$("#example-table").tabulator("selectRow", 1); //select row with id of 1

If you want to select multiple rows you can pass an array of row component look up options into the first parameter

If you do not pass any arguments to the selectRow function, all rows will be selected. To select only rows that have been filtered pass true as the first argument.

Deselect Row

To programmatically deselect a row you can use the deselectRow function.

To deselect a specific row you can pass any of the standard row component look up options into the first argument of the function. If you leave the argument blank you will deselect all rows.

$("#example-table").tabulator("deselectRow", 1); //deselect row with id of 1

If you want to deselect multiple rows you can pass an array of row component look up options into the first parameter

Note: If you do not pass any arguments to the the deselectRow function, all rows will be deselected.

Selection With Row Components

You can use the row component passed into any of Tabulator's callbacks to trigger selection of that row.

        rowClick:function(e, row){
        //e - the click event object
        //row - row component

        row.toggleSelect(); //toggle row selected state on row click


The select function will select the current row.;


The deselect function will deselect the current row.


Toggle Selection

The toggleSelect function will toggle the selected state the current row.


Get Selected Data

To get the data objects for the selected rows you can use the getSelectedData function.

This will return an array of the selected rows data objects in the order in which they were selected.

var selectedData = $("#example-table").tabulator("getSelectedData"); //get array of currently selected data.

Get Selected Row Components

To get the RowComponent's for the selected rows at any time you can use the getSelectedRows function.

This will return an array of RowComponent's for the selected rows in the order in which they were selected.

var selectedRows = $("#example-table").tabulator("getSelectedRows"); //get array of currently selected row components.


A range of callbacks are available for row selection. See the Selection Callbacks section for more information.

Movable Rows and Columns Updated

Movable Rows

To allow the user to move rows up and down the table, set the movableRows parameter in the options:

    movableRows: true, //enable user movable rows

This will allow users to drag rows around by clicking and dragging on any part of the row.


The rowMoved callback will be triggered when a row has been successfully moved. You can use this function to trigger any ajax requests or other updates needed upon a successful row move.

        //row - row component

Row Handles

If you would prefer the user only be able to move a column around by one particular cell, the you can set the rowHandle property to true in the column definition object for that column to restrict the trigger for row movement to that cell only.

    movableRows: true, //enable user movable rows
        {rowHandle:true, formatter:"handle", headerSort:false, frozen:true, width:30, minWidth:30},
        {title:"name", field:"name"} //normal column

Moving on Touch Devices

The jQuery library does not currently support touch events. To enable movable rows on a touch device, you will need to include the excellent touchpunch.js library which adds touch event support touch event support to jQuery.

Scroll To Row

If you want to trigger an animated scroll to a row then you can use the scrollToRow function. The first argument should be any of the standard row component look up options for the row you want to scroll to.

$("#example-table").tabulator("scrollToRow", 23);

Movable Columns Updated

To allow the user to move columns along the table, set the movableColumns parameter in the options:

    movableColumns: true, //enable user movable columns

This will allow users to drag columns around using the column headers at the top of the table.

Scroll To Column New

If you want to trigger an animated scroll to a column then you can use the scrollToColumn function. The first argument should be any of the standard column component look up options for the column you want to scroll to.

$("#example-table").tabulator("scrollToColumn", "age"); //scroll to the column with a field of "age"

Movable Rows and Grouping New

If you move a row between groups, its values will be updated to match those of the new group.

If you move the last row in a group out of that group, that group will be removed.


A range of callbacks are available for row and column movements. See the Row Callbacks and Column Callbacks sections for more information.

Column Management

Set New Column Definitions

To update the current column definitions for a table use the setColumns function. This function takes a column definition array as its only argument.

//new column definition array
var newColumns = [
    {title:"Name", field:"name", sorter:"string", width:200},
    {title:"Age", field:"age", sorter:"number", align:"right", formatter:"progress"},
    {title:"Height", field:"height", formatter:"star", align:"center", width:100},
    {title:"Favourite Color", field:"col", sorter:"string"},
    {title:"Date Of Birth", field:"dob", sorter:"date", align:"center"},

$("#example-table").tabulator("setColumns", newColumns) //overwrite existing columns with new columns definition array

Add Column

If you wish to add a single column to the table, you can do this using the addColumn function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("addColumn", {title:"Age", field:"age"}, true, "name");

This function takes three arguments:

  • Columns Definition - The column definition object for the column you want to add.
  • Before (optional) - Determines how to position the new column. A value of true will insert the column to the left of existing columns, a value of false will insert it to the right. If a Position argument is supplied then this will determine whether the new colum is inserted before or after this column.
  • Position (optional) - The field to insert the new column next to, this can be any of the standard column component look up options.

Delete Column

To permanently remove a column from the table deleteColumn function. This function takes any of the standard column component look up options as its first parameter.

$("#example-table").tabulator("deleteColumn", "name");

Alternatively if you have the ColumnComponent of the column you wish to delete, you can call the delete function directly on the component.


Get Column Definitions

To get the current column definition array (including any changes made through user actions, such as resizing or re-ordering columns), call the getColumnDefinitions function. this will return the current columns definition array.

var colDefs = $("#example-table").tabulator("getColumnDefinitions") //get column definition array

Get Column Components

To get an array of ColumnComponent's for the current table setup, call the getColumns function.

var cols = $("#example-table").tabulator("getColumns") //get array of column components

Editable Column Titles

Column titles can be made user editable by setting the editableTitle parameter to true in a columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", editableTitle:true} //allow user to update this columns title

This will result in the columns title being displayed in an input element, that will let the user change the title.

After a the user changes a column title the colTitleChanged callback is triggered.

    colTitleChanged:function(value, col, cols){
        //value - the new column value
        //col - the updated column definition object for the affected column
        //cols - the updated column definition array for all columns in the table

Column Visibility

Column visibility can be set in a number of different ways.

Column Definition Visibility

You can set the column visibility when you create the column definition array:

{title:"Name", field:"name", visible:false}, //create hidden column for the field "name"

By default columns are set with a visible parameter value of true.

Show Column

You can show a hidden column at any point using the showColumn function. Pass the field name of the column you wish to show as the first parameter of the function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("showColumn","name") //show the "name" column

Alternatively if you have the ColumnComponent of the column you wish to show, you can call the show function directly on the component.;

Hide Column

You can hide a visible column at any point using the hideColumn function. Pass the field name of the column you wish to hide as the first parameter of the function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("hideColumn","name") //hide the "name" column

Alternatively if you have the ColumnComponent of the column you wish to hide, you can call the hide function directly on the component.


Toggle Column

You can toggle the visibility of a column at any point using the toggleColumn function. Pass the field name of the column you wish to toggle as the first parameter of the function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("toggleColumn","name") ////toggle the visibility of the "name" column

Alternatively if you have the ColumnComponent of the column you wish to toggle, you can call the toggle function directly on the component.



A range of callbacks are available for columns. See the Column Callbacks section for more information.

CSS Classes & Theming Updated

As of version 2.1 all Tabulator elements are styled using a range CSS classes to make it easier for you to manipulate the look, feel and function of the table.

A SASS file is also provided for each stylesheet, containing a set of variables to make generating your own theme even easier. These can be found in the src/scss directory

Packaged Themes

As well as the default theme, tabulator comes with a number of pre packaged themes. To use one of these simply include the matching css file instead of the default tabulator.css

All stylesheets can be found in the /dist/css directory, with standard CSS and minified versions available.

For example to use the simple theme, you would need to use the following css link:

<link href="/dist/css/tabulator_simple.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Alongside the default theme, the following packaged themes are available:

  • Simple - A plain, simplistic layout showing only basic grid lines. (/themes/tabulator_simple.css)
  • Midnight - A dark, stylish layout using simple shades of grey. (/themes/tabulator_midnight.css)
  • Modern - A neat, stylish layout using one primary color. (/themes/tabulator_modern.css)
  • Site - The theme used for tables on this site.

Framework Themes

Tabulator also comes with a number of themes to ie in with popular frontend layout frameworks.

Bootstrap Theme

A Bootstrap 3 compatible theme that can be included from:

<link href="/dist/css/bootstrap/tabulator_bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

The stylesheet maps the standard bootstrap table styling onto Tabulator. If you have customised your bootstrap theme, then the /src/scss/bootstrap directory also contains a variables.scss file containing all the standard bootstrap variables. Make any changes in here to match your custom theme and recompile the tabulator_bootstrap.css file and Tabulator will now match your theme.

The theme also maps some of the standard table styling classes. You can use any of these classes on your Tabulator element and get the same effect as bootstrap:

  • table-striped - alternating row colors
  • table-bordered - borders around table and between cells
  • table-condensed - minimal cell and header padding

You can also apply the following classes to rows using the rowFormatter to get the same results as in bootstrap:

  • active
  • success
  • info
  • warning
  • danger
        if(row.getData().age >= 18){
            row.getElement().addClass("success"); //mark rows with age greater than or equal to 18 as successful;

For full details on the bootstrap table layout, checkout the Bootstrap Website.

Semantic UI Theme

A Semantic UI compatible theme that can be included from:

<link href="/dist/css/semantic-ui/tabulator_semantic-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

The stylesheet maps the standard semantic ui table styling onto Tabulator. If you have customised your theme, then the /src/scss/semantic-ui directory also contains the variables.scss and variables_table.scss files containing all the standard semantic ui variables. Make any changes in here to match your custom theme and recompile the tabulator_semantic-ui.css file and Tabulator will now match your theme.

The theme also maps some of the standard table styling classes. You can use any of these classes on your Tabulator element and get the same effect as semantic ui:

  • striped - alternating row colors
  • celled - borders between cells
  • compact - minimal cell and header padding
  • very compact - almost no cell and header padding
  • padded - more cell and header padding
  • very padded - a lot more cell and header padding

The full range of colour classes can also be used:

  • inverted
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • olive
  • green
  • teal
  • blue
  • violet
  • purple
  • brown
  • grey
  • black

You can also apply the following classes to rows or cells using the rowFormatter to get the same results as in semantic ui:

  • positive
  • negative
  • error
  • warning
  • active
  • disabled
        if(row.getData().age < 18){
            row.getElement().addClass("warning"); //mark rows with age less than 18 with a warning state;

For full details on the Semantic UI table layout, checkout the Semantic UI Website.

CSS Classes Updated

All elements of Tabulator have classes set to make theming your tables as easy as possible.

General Classes

Class Element Description
tabulatorTabulator container element
tabulator-tableHolderContain table and scroll bars
tabulator-tableContain table rows
tabulator-loaderAjax loader message holder
tabulator-loader-msgAjax loader message
tabulator-loadingApplied to .tabulator-load-msg to style a loading message
tabulator-errorApplied to .tabulator-load-msg to style an error message
tabulator-placeholderThe containing element for the empty table placeholder
tabulator-movingApplied to rows and columns when they are being moved
tabulator-block-selectApplied to the .tabulator element when the mouse is dragging to prevent accidental text selection
tabulator-movingApplied to rows and columns when they are being moved

Headers & Columns Updated

Class Element Description
tabulator-headerTable header element
tabulator-headersHold all column headers inside table header
tabulator-calcs-holderHold column calculations row, appears in both header and footer
tabulator-colColumn header (in header row)
tabulator-col-contentHolds the contents for the column header
tabulator-col-titleHolds the text for the column header title
tabulator-col-groupMarks a column header as a group that contains other columns
tabulator-col-group-colsHolds the column headers contained in a column group
tabulator-handleInvisible resize handle on the right of each column header
tabulator-title-editorThe input box used for editing titles when the editableTitle option is set
tabulator-header-filterThe containing element for the header filter elements, when the headerFilter option is set
tabulator-sortableApplied to columns with header sorting enabled
tabulator-frozenThe containing element for all frozen columns
tabulator-frozen-leftApplied to frozen columns on the left edge of the table
tabulator-frozen-rightApplied to frozen columns on the right edge of the table
tabulator-row-resize-handleContainer for frozen rows in the header

Rows Updated

Class Element Description
tabulator-rowRow of table
tabulator-row-oddOdd numbered row
tabulator-row-evenEven numbered row
tabulator-cellData cell
tabulator-selectableStyling for selectable rows
tabulator-unselectableStyling for unselectable rows
tabulator-selectedCurrently selected row
tabulator-editingApplied to cells being edited and the rows that contain them
tabulator-validation-failApplied to cells being edited that have failed validation
tabulator-groupThe header element for a row group
tabulator-group-visibleApplied to .tabulator-group when the group is visible
tabulator-group-level-XApplied to .tabulator-group to denote its level in multi level grouping, the X is replaced with the number of that grouping level
tabulator-calcsA row that contains column calculations instead of data
tabulator-calcs-topA column calculations row at the top of a group
tabulator-calcs-bottomA column calculations row at the bottom of a group
tabulator-row-handleA cell that is setup as a row handle
tabulator-row-handle-boxcontaining element for the row handle icon
tabulator-row-handle-barone of the bars in the row handle icon
tabulator-row-resize-handleInvisible resize handle on the top and bottom of each row


Class Element Description
tabulator-footerTabulator footer element
tabulator-paginatorContains the pagination controls
tabulator-pagesContains individual page buttons
tabulator-pagePage selection button

SASS Variables

The packaged SASS theme files is included in the project with a number of setup variables to make theming a table even easier.


Variable Default Value Description
backgroundColor#888The background colour of the tabulator element
borderColor#999The border colour of the tabulator element
textSize14The text size for all text in the tabulator

Headers & Columns

Variable Default Value Description
headerBackgroundColor#e6e6e6The background colour for header cells
headerTextColor#555The header cells text colour
headerBorderColor#aaaThe header cells border colour
headerSeparatorColor#999The header row bottom border colour
headerMargin4The size in pixels for the header cells margin
sortArrowActive#666The colour of the column sorter arrow when sorting is active on a column
sortArrowInactive#bbbThe colour of the column sorter arrow when sorting is not active on a column


Variable Default Value Description
rowBackgroundColor#fffThe background colour of the table rows
rowAltBackgroundColor#e0e0e0The background colour of the even numbered table rows
rowBorderColor#fffThe table row border colour
rowTextColor#333The table row text colour
rowHoverBackground#bbbThe table row background colour when hovered over.
rowSelectedBackground#9ABCEAThe table row background colour when selected.
rowSelectedBackgroundHover#769BCCThe table row background colour when selected and hovered over.
editBoxColor#1D68CDThe border colour of a cell being edited.


Variable Default Value Description
footerBackgroundColor#e6e6e6The footer background colour
footerTextColor#555The footer text colour
footerBorderColor#aaaThe footer buttons border colour
footerSeparatorColor#999The footer element top border colour

Component Objects Updated

Component objects allow you to interact directly with various parts of your tables. They are usually passed in the arguments of callbacks and expose a range of functions that can be called directly on the object.

Row Component Updated

The row component provides access to a specific row. The example below shows how it is passed to the rowFormatter callback:

        var data = row.getData(); //get data object for row

        if(data.col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().css({"background-color":"#A6A6DF"}); //apply css change to row element

The component provides the following functions:

Get Data

The getData function returns the data object for the row.

var rowData = row.getData();

Get Element

The getElement function returns the jQuery DOM element for the row.

var rowElement = row.getElement();

Get Cells

The getCells function returns an array of CellComponent objects, one for each cell in the row.

var cells = row.getCells();

Get Cell in Specific Column

The getCell function returns the CellComponent for the specified column from this row.

var cells = row.getCell(column);

Get Index

The getIndex function returns the index value for the row. (this is the value from the defined index column, NOT the row's position in the table)

var rowIndex = row.getIndex();

Get Position New

Use the getPosition function to retrieve the numerical position of a row in the table. By default this will return the position of the row in all data, including data currently filtered out of the table.

If you want to get the position of the row in the currently filtered/sorted data, you can pass a value of true to the optional first argument of the function.

var rowPosition = row.getPosition(true); //return the position of the row in the filtered/sorted data

Get Group New

When using grouped rows, you can retrieve the group component for the current row using the getGroup function.

var group = row.getGroup();


The delete function deletes the row, removing its data from the table


Scroll To

The scrollTo function will scroll the table to the row if it passes the current filters.



You can update the data in the row using the update function. You should pass an object to the function containing any fields you wish to update. This object will not replace the row data, only the fields included in the object will be updated.

row.update({"name":"steve"}); //update the row data for field "name"


The select function will select the current row.;


The deselect function will deselect the current row.


Toggle Selection

The toggleSelect function will toggle the selected state the current row.


Normalize Height

If you are making manual adjustments to elements contained within the row, it may sometimes be necessary to recalculate the height of all the cells in the row to make sure they remain aligned. Call the normalizeHeight function to do this.


Re-Format New

If you want to re-format a row once it has been rendered to re-trigger the cell formatters and the rowFormatter callback, Call the reformat function.


Freeze New

You can freeze a row at the top of the table by calling the freeze function. This will insert the row above the scrolling portion of the table in the table header.


Unfreeze New

A frozen row can be unfrozen using the unfreeze function. This will remove the row from the table header and re-insert it back in the table.


Column Component Updated

The column component provides access to a specific column. The example below shows how it is passed to the columnMoved callback.

    columnMoved:function(column, columns){
        alert("The user has moved column: " + column.getField()); //display the columns field name

The component provides the following functions:

Get Element

The getElement function returns the jQuery DOM element for the column.

var columnElement = column.getElement();

Get Definition

The getDefinition function returns the column definition object for the column.

var columnDefinition = column.getDefinition();

Get Field

The getField function returns the field name for the column.

var columnField = column.getField();

Get Cells

The getCells function returns an array of CellComponent objects, one for each cell in the column.

var cells = column.getCells();

Get Visibility

The getVisibility function returns a boolean to show if the column is visible, a value of true means it is visible.

var visible = column.getVisibility();

Show Column

The show function shows the column if it is hidden.;

Hide Column

The hide function hides the column if it is visible.


Toggle Visibility

The toggle function toggles the visibility of the column, switching between hidden and visible.



The delete function deletes the column, removing it from the table


Scroll To New

The scrollTo function will scroll the table to the column if it is visible.


Cell Component Updated

The cell component provides access to a specific cell. The example below shows how it is passed to the cellClick callback for a cell.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellClick:function(e, cell){
        alert("The cell has a value of:" + cell.getValue()); //display the cells value

The Component provides the following functions:

Get Value

The getValue function returns the current value for the cell.

var cellValue = cell.getValue();

Get Old Value

The getOldValue function returns the previous value of the cell. Very useful in the event of cell update callbacks.

var cellOldValue = cell.getOldValue();

Restore Old Value

The restoreOldValue reverts the value of the cell back to its previous value, without triggering any of the cell edit callbacks.


Get Element

The getElement function returns the jQuery DOM element for the cell.

var cellElement = cell.getElement();

Get Row

The getRow function returns the RowComponent for the row that contains the cell.

var row = cell.getRow();

Get Column

The getColumn function returns the ColumnComponent for the column that contains the cell.

var column = cell.getColumn();

Get Data

The getData function returns the data for the row that contains the cell.

var data = cell.getData();

Get Field

The getField function returns the field name for the column that contains the cell.

var field = cell.getField();

Set Value

You can change the value of the cell using the setValue function. The first parameter should be the new value for the cell, the second optional parameter will apply the column mutators to the value when set to true (default = true).

cell.setValue("Steve", true); //set the cell's value to "Steve" and apply the column mutators if present

Check Height

If you are making manual adjustments to elements contained withing the cell, or the cell itself, it may sometimes be necessary to recalculate the height of all the cells in the row to make sure they remain aligned. Call the checkHeight function to check if the height of the cell has changed and normalize the row if it has.


Edit Updated

You and programmatically cause a cell to open its editor element using the edit function.


If you want to ignore the editable property of the column definition and force the edit, you can pass an optional value of true to the function

cell.edit(true); //force the editor to open even if editable is set to false

Cancel Edit New

You and programmatically cancel a cell edit that is currently in progress by calling the cancelEdit function.



When a cell is being edited it is possible to move the editor focus from the current cell to one if its neighbours. There are a number of functions that can be called on the nav function to move the focus in different directions.

cell.nav().left(); //move focus left to next editable cell.

You can navigate any direction around the table using the following functions:

  • prev - next editable cell on the left, if none available move to the right most editable cell on the row above
  • next - next editable cell on the right, if none available move to left most editable cell on the row below
  • left - next editable cell on the left, return false if none available on row
  • right - next editable cell on the right, return false if none available on row
  • up - move to the same cell in the row above
  • down - move to the same cell in the row below

Group Component

The group component provides access to a set of grouped rows. The example below shows how it is passed to the groupVisibilityChanged callback.

    groupVisibilityChanged:function(group, visible){
        alert("The user has " (visible ? "opened" : "collapsed") +" group: " + group.getKey()); //display the groups unique key

The component provides the following functions:

Get Element

The getElement function returns the jQuery DOM element for the group header.

var groupElement = group.getElement();

Get Key

The getKey function returns the unique key that is shared between all rows in this group.

var key = group.getKey();

Get Rows

The getRows function returns an array of RowComponent objects, one for each row in the group.

var rows = group.getRows();

Get Sub Groups

The getSubGroups function returns an array of GroupComponent objects, one for each sub group of this group.

var subGroups = group.getSubGroups();

Get Parent Group

The getParentGroup function returns the GroupComponent for the parent group of this group. if no parent exists, this function will return false

var parentGroup = group.getParentGroup();

Get Visibility

The getVisibility function returns a boolean to show if the group is visible, a value of true means it is visible.

var visible = group.getVisibility();

Show Group

The show function shows the group if it is hidden.;

Hide Group

The hide function hides the group if it is visible.


Toggle Visibility

The toggle function toggles the visibility of the group, switching between hidden and visible.


Component Lookup

Any function that takes a component as an argument will also attempt to find that component based on the value provided if it is not a component itself. The following values can be used for each component type:


  • A RowComponent
  • The index value of the row
  • jQuery Element of the row


  • A ColumnComponent
  • The field name of the column
  • jQuery Element of the column


Setup Options Updated

Tabulator has a wide range of setup options to help you customise the user experience of your tables. This section outlines all the available options and links to the relevant section in this documentation to show you how to use them.

Each of these options can be set in the constructor object when you define your Tabulator.

    height:"300px", //set the table height option

General Table Configuration

Option Data Type Default Value Description
heightstring/intfalseSets the height of the containing element, can be set to any valid height css value. If set to false (the default), the height of the table will resize to fit the table data.
virtualDombooleantrueEnable rendering using the Virtual DOM engine
virtualDomBufferintegerfalseManually set the size of the virtual DOM buffer
placeholderstring or element""placeholder element to display on empty table
footerElementJQuery Element(see documentation)Footer element for the table
tooltipsboolean/functionfalseFunction to generate tooltips for cells
historyboolean/functionfalseEnable user interaction history functionality
keybindingsboolean/functionfalseKeybinding configuration object
localestring/booleanfalseset the current localization language
langsobject(see documentation)hold localization templates
downloadDataMutatorfunctionfalsecallback function to mutate table data before download

Columns Updated

Option Data Type Default Value Description
columnsarray[]Holder for column definition array
layoutstring"fitData"Layout mode for the table columns
layoutColumnsOnNewDatabooleanfalseChange column widths to match data when loaded into table
responsiveLayoutbooleanfalseAutomatically hide/show columns to fit the width of the Tabulator element
columnMinWidthCSS width value40pxMinimum width for a column
resizableColumnsbooleantrueAllow user to resize columns (via handles on the left and right edges of the column header)
movableColumnsbooleanfalseAllow users to move and reorder columns
tooltipsHeaderboolean/functionfalseFunction to generate tooltips for column headers
columnVertAlignstringtopVertical alignment for contents of column header (used in column grouping)
headerFilterPlaceholderstring"filter column..."The placeholder text to be set in any header filter input elements

Rows Updated

Option Data Type Default Value Description
rowFormatterfunction/booleanfalseFunction to alter layout of rows
addRowPosstring"bottom"The position in the table for new rows to be added, "bottom" or "top"
selectableboolean/integer/string"highlight"Enable/Disable row selection
selectableRollingSelectionbooleantrueAllow rolling selection
selectablePersistencebooleantrueMaintain selected rows on filter or sort
selectableCheckfunction(see documentation)Check if row should be selectable or unselectable
movableRowsbooleanfalseAllow users to move and reorder rows
resizableRowsbooleanfalseAllow user to resize rows (via handles on the top and bottom edges of the row)

Data Updated

Option Data Type Default Value Description
indexstringidThe field to be used as the unique index for each row
dataarray[]Array to hold data that should be loaded on table creation
ajaxURLstring/booleanfalseURL for remote Ajax data loading
ajaxParamsobject{}Parameters to be passed to remote Ajax data loading request
ajaxConfigstring/object"GET"The HTTP request type for Ajax requests or config object for the request
ajaxFilteringbooleanfalseSend filter config to server instead of processing locally
ajaxSortingbooleanfalseSend sorter config to server instead of processing locally
ajaxLoaderboolean/functiontrueShow loader while data is loading, can also take a function that must return a boolean
ajaxLoaderLoadingstringhtml (see below)html for loader element
ajaxLoaderErrorstringhtml (see below)html for the loader element in the event of an error

When loading data, Tabulator can display a loading overlay over the table. This consists of a modal background and a loader element. The loader element can be set globally in the options and should be specified as a div with a display style of inline-block.

Default loader element

<div style='display:inline-block; border:4px solid #333; border-radius:10px; background:#fff; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; color:#000; padding:10px 20px;'>Loading Data</div>

Default loader error element

<div style='display:inline-block; border:4px solid #D00; border-radius:10px; background:#fff; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px; color:#590000; padding:10px 20px;'>Loading Error</div>

Initial Data Sorting

You can set initial sorters, specifying what sort should be applied when data is first loaded into the table.

Option Data Type Default Value Description
initialSortarray[]Array of sorters to be applied on load.


Option Data Type Default Value Description
groupBystring/function/arrayfalseString/function to select field to group rows by
groupHeaderfunction/array(see documentation)function to layout group header row
groupStartOpenboolean/function/arraytrueBoolean/function to set the open/closed state of groups when they are first created
groupToggleElementstring/boolean"arrow"Set which element triggers a group visibility toggle
groupClosedShowCalcsbooleanfalseshow/hide column calculations when group is closed


Option Data Type Default Value Description
paginationstringfalseChoose pagination method, "local" or "remote"
paginationSizeinteger10Set the number of rows in each page
paginationElementJQuery Element(generated tabulator footer)The element to contain the pagination selectors
Lookup list to link expected data fields from the server to their function
Lookup list to link fields expected by the server to their function
paginatorfunctionnullFunction used to build pagination request URL string

Persistent Configuration Updated

Option Data Type Default Value Description
persistenceIDstringnullID tag used to identify persistent storage information
persistenceModeboolean/stringtrueStore persistence information in a cookie or localStorage
persistentLayoutbooleanfalseEnable persistsnt storage of column layout information
persistentSortbooleanfalseEnable persistsnt storage of sorting information
persistentFilterbooleanfalseEnable persistsnt storage of filtering information

Option Data Type Default Value Description
progressiveRenderbooleanfalseEnable progressive rendering

Callbacks & Events Updated

Tabulator features a range of callbacks to allow you to handle user interaction and system events.

These callbacks can all be set in the options object when you create your Tabulator.

Table Callbacks

Table Building

When a the tabulator constructor is called, the tableBuilding callback will triggered:


Table Built

When a the tabulator constructor is called and the table has finished being rendered, the tableBuilt callback will triggered:


Column Callbacks

Column Header Click

The headerClick callback is triggered when a user left clicks on a column or group header, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerClick:function(e, column){
        //e - the click event object
        //column - column component

Column Header Double Click

The headerDblClick callback is triggered when a user double clicks on a column or group header, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerDblClick:function(e, column){
        //e - the click event object
        //column - column component

Column Header Right Click

The headerContext callback is triggered when a user right clicks on a column or group header, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerContext:function(e, column){
        //e - the click event object
        //column - column component

Column Header Tap

The headerTap callback is triggered when a user taps on the column header on a touch display, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerTap:function(e, column){
        //e - the tap event object
        //column - column component

Column Header Double Tap

The headerDblTap callback is triggered when a user taps on the column header on a touch display twice in under 300ms, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerDblTap:function(e, column){
        //e - the tap event object
        //column - column component

Column Header Tap Hold

The headerTapHold callback is triggered when a user taps on the column header on a touch display and holds their finger down for over 1 second, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", headerTapHold:function(e, column){
        //e - the tap event object
        //column - column component

Column Moved

The columnMoved callback will be triggered when a column has been successfully moved.

    columnMoved:function(column, columns){
        //column - column component of the moved column
        //columns- array of columns in new order

Column Resized

The columnResized callback will be triggered when a column has been resized by the user.

        //column - column component of the resized column

Column Visibility Changed

The columnVisibilityChanged callback is triggered whenever a column changes between hidden and visible states.

    columnVisibilityChanged:function(column, visible){
        //column - column component
        //visible - is column visible (true = visible, false = hidden)

Column Title Changed

The columnTitleChanged callback is triggered whenever a user edits a column title when the editableTitle parameter has been enabled in the column definition array.

        //column - column component

Row Callbacks Updated

Row Click

The rowClick callback is triggered when a user clicks on a row.

        rowClick:function(e, row){
        //e - the click event object
        //row - row component

Row Double Click

The rowDblClick callback is triggered when a user double clicks on a row.

        rowDblClick:function(e, row){
        //e - the click event object
        //row - row component

Row Context Menu

The rowContext callback is triggered when a user right clicks on a row.

If you want to prevent the browsers context menu being triggered in this event you will need to include the preventDefault() function in your callback.

    rowContext:function(e, row){
        //e - the click event object
        //row - row component

        e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browsers default context menu form appearing.

Row Tap

The rowTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a row on a touch display.

        rowTap:function(e, row){
        //e - the tap event object
        //row - row component

Row Double Tap

The rowDblTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a row on a touch display twice in under 300ms.

        rowDblTap:function(e, row){
        //e - the tap event object
        //row - row component

Row Tap Hold

The rowTapHold callback is triggered when a user taps on a row on a touch display and holds their finger down for over 1 second.

        rowTapHold:function(e, row){
        //e - the tap event object
        //row - row component

Row Added

The rowAdded callback is triggered when a row is added to the table by the addRow and updateOrAddRow functions.

        //row - row component

Row Updated

The rowUpdated callback is triggered when a row is updated by the updateRow, updateOrAddRow, updateData or updateOrAddData, functions.

        //row - row component

Row Deleted

The rowDeleted callback is triggered when a row is deleted from the table by the deleteRow function.

        //row - row component

Row Moved

The rowMoved callback will be triggered when a row has been successfully moved.

        //row - row component

Row Resized New

The rowResized callback will be triggered when a row has been resized by the user.

        //row - row component of the resized row

Cell Callbacks Updated

Cell Click

The cellClick callback is triggered when a user left clicks on a cell, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellClick:function(e, cell){
        //e - the click event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Double Click

The cellDblClick callback is triggered when a user double clicks on a cell, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellDblClick:function(e, cell){
        //e - the click event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Right Click

The cellContext callback is triggered when a user right clicks on a cell, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellContext:function(e, cell){
        //e - the click event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Tap

The cellTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a cell in this column on a touch display, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellTap:function(e, cell){
        //e - the tap event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Double Tap

The cellDblTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a cell in this column on a touch display twice in under 300ms, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellDblTap:function(e, cell){
        //e - the tap event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Tap Hold

The cellTapHold callback is triggered when a user taps on a cell in this column on a touch display and holds their finger down for over 1 second, it can be set on a per column basis using the option in the columns definition object.

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellTapHold:function(e, cell){
        //e - the tap event object
        //cell - cell component

Cell Editing Updated

The cellEditing callback is triggered when a user starts editing a cell.

        //cell - cell component

The cellEditing callback can also be set in the column definition object of a column

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellEditing:function(cell){
        //cell - cell component

Cell Edit Cancelled Updated

The cellEditCancelled callback is triggered when a user aborts a cell edit and the cancel function is called.

        //cell - cell component

The cellEditCancelled callback can also be set in the column definition object of a column

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellEditCancelled:function(cell){
        //cell - cell component

Cell Edited Updated

The cellEdited callback is triggered when data in an editable cell is changed.

        //cell - cell component

The cellEdited callback can also be set in the column definition object of a column

{title:"Name", field:"name", cellEdited:function(cell){
        //cell - cell component

Data Callbacks

Data Loading

The dataLoading callback is triggered whenever new data is loaded into the table.

        //data - the data loading into the table

Data Loaded

The dataLoaded callback is triggered when a new set of data is loaded into the table.

        //data - all data loaded into the table

Data Edited

The dataEdited callback is triggered whenever the table data is changed by the user. Triggers for this include editing any cell in the table, adding a row and deleting a row.

        //data - the updated table data

HTML Importing

The htmlImporting callback is triggered when Tabulator starts importing data from an HTML table.


HTML Imported

The htmlImported callback is triggered when Tabulator finishes importing data from an HTML table.


Ajax Callbacks

Ajax Request

The ajaxRequesting callback is triggered when ever an ajax request is made.

    ajaxRequesting:function(url, params){
        //url - the URL of the request
        //params - the parameters passed with the request

Returning a value of false from this callback will abort the ajax request

Ajax Response

The ajaxResponse callback is triggered when a successful ajax request has been made. This callback can also be used to modify the received data before it is parsed by the table. If you use this callback it must return the data to be parsed by Tabulator, otherwise no data will be rendered.

    ajaxResponse:function(url, params, response){
        //url - the URL of the request
        //params - the parameters passed with the request
        //response - the JSON object returned in the body of the response.

        return response; //return the response data to tabulator

Ajax Error

The ajaxError callback is triggered there is an error response to an ajax request.

    ajaxError:function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
        //xhr - the XHR object
        //textStatus - error type
        //errorThrown - text portion of the HTTP status

Filter Callbacks

Data Filtering

The dataFiltering callback is triggered whenever a filter event occurs, before the filter happens.

        //filters - array of filters currently applied


Data Filtered

The dataFiltered callback is triggered after the table dataset is filtered.

    dataFiltered:function(filters, rows){
        //filters - array of filters currently applied
        //rows - array of row components that pass the filters

Sorting Callbacks

Data Sorting

The dataSorting callback is triggered whenever a sort event occurs, before sorting happens.

        //sorters - an array of the sorters currently applied

Data Sorted

The dataSorted callback is triggered after the table dataset is sorted.

    dataSorted:function(sorters, rows){
        //sorters - array of the sorters currently applied
        //rows - array of row components in their new order

Layout Callbacks

Render Started

The renderStarted callback is triggered whenever all the rows in the table are about to be rendered. This can include:

  • Data is loaded into the table when setData is called
  • A page is loaded through any form of pagination
  • Rows are added to the table during progressive rendering
  • Columns are changed by setColumns
  • The data is filtered
  • The data is sorted
  • The redraw function is called


Render Complete

The renderComplete callback is triggered after the table has been rendered


Pagination Callbacks

Page Loaded

Whenever a page has been loaded, the pageLoaded callback is called, passing the current page number as an argument.

        //pageno - the number of the loaded page


Table Localized

When a localization event has occurred , the localized callback will triggered, passing the current locale code and language object:

    localized:function(locale, lang){
        //locale - a string representing the current locale
        //lang - the language object for the current locale

Group Callbacks

Data Grouping

The dataGrouping callback is triggered whenever a data grouping event occurs, before grouping happens.



Data Grouped

The dataGrouped callback is triggered whenever a data grouping event occurs, after grouping happens.

        //groups - array of top level group components

Group Visibility Changed

The groupVisibilityChanged callback is triggered whenever a group changes between hidden and visible states.

    groupVisibilityChanged:function(group, visible){
        //group - group component
        //visible - is group visible (true = visible, false = hidden)

Group Click

The groupClick callback is triggered when a user clicks on a group header.

        groupClick:function(e, group){
        //e - the click event object
        //group - group component

Group Double Click

The groupDblClick callback is triggered when a user double clicks on a group header.

        groupDblClick:function(e, group){
        //e - the click event object
        //group - group component

Group Context Menu

The groupContext callback is triggered when a user right clicks on a group header.

If you want to prevent the browsers context menu being triggered in this event you will need to include the preventDefault() function in your callback.

    groupContext:function(e, group){
        //e - the click event object
        //group - group component

        e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browsers default context menu form appearing.

Group Tap

The groupTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a group header on a touch display.

        groupTap:function(e, group){
        //e - the tap event object
        //group - group component

Group Double Tap

The groupDblTap callback is triggered when a user taps on a group header on a touch display twice in under 300ms.

        groupDblTap:function(e, group){
        //e - the tap event object
        //group - group component

Group Tap Hold

The groupTapHold callback is triggered when a user taps on a group header on a touch display and holds their finger down for over 1 second.

        groupTapHold:function(e, group){
        //e - the tap event object
        //group - group component

Selection Callbacks

Row Selected

The rowSelected event is triggered when a row is selected, either by the user or programmatically.

        //row - row component for the selected row

Row Deselected

The rowDeselected event is triggered when a row is deselected, either by the user or programmatically.

        //row - row component for the deselected row

Row Selection Changed

Whenever the number of selected rows changes, through selection or deselection, the rowSelectionChanged event is triggered. This passes an array of the data objects for each row in the order they were selected as the first argument, and an array of jQuery elements for each of the rows in order of selection as the second argument.

    rowSelectionChanged:function(data, rows){
        //rows - array of row components for the selected rows in order of selection
        //data - array of data objects for the selected rows in order of selection

Validation Callbacks

Validation Failed

The validationFailed event is triggered when the value entered into a cell during an edit fails to pass validation.

    validationFailed:function(cell, value, validators){
        //cell - cell component for the edited cell
        //value - the value that failed validation
        //validatiors - an array of validator objects that failed

History Callbacks New

History callbacks are triggered when undo and redo actions are triggered.

The history callbacks are passed three arguments, the first is a string representing the action being undone/redone, the second is the Row or Cell component relating to the action, the third is the data object related to the action. The table below outlines the possible actions and their associated data objects:

Action Description Component Data
cellEdit Cell value edited Cell Component
    oldValue:"", //the original value of the cell
    newValue:"", //the nev value of the cell
rowAdd Row added to table Row Component
    data:{}, //the data contained in the row
    pos:0, //the position the row was inserted into the table
    index:0, //the index column value for the row
rowDelete Row deleted from table Row Component
    data:{}, //the data contained in the row
    pos:0, //the position the row was removed from the table
    index:0, //the index column value for the row
rowMoved Row moved to new position in table Row Component
    pos:0, //the position the row was moved from
    to:null, //row component for the row this row was moved next to
    after:false, //row was moved before or after the "to" row

Undo Occurred New

The historyUndo event is triggered when the undo action is triggered.

    historyUndo:function(action, component, data){
        //action - the action that has been undone
        //component - the Component object affected by the action (could be a row or cell component)
        //data - the data being changed

Redo Occurred New

The historyRedo event is triggered when the redo action is triggered.

    historyRedo:function(action, component, data){
        //action - the action that has been redone
        //component - the Component object affected by the action (could be a row or cell component)
        //data - the data being changed

Key Bindings

If you give a table focus by clicking on it, you can then interact with the table using the a number of different keyboard short cuts.

Action Default Key Combination (keycode) Function
navPrev ctrl + tab ("ctrl + 9") Shift focus to the next editable cell on the left, if none available move to the right most editable cell on the row above
navNext tab ("9") Shift focus to the next editable cell on the right, if none available move to left most editable cell on the row below
navLeft Shift focus to next editable cell on the left
navRight Shift focus to next editable cell on the right
navUp up arrow ("38") Shift focus to the same cell in the row above
navDown down arrow ("40") Shift focus to the same cell in the row below
undo ctrl + z ("ctrl + 90") Undo last user data edit
redo ctrl + y ("ctrl + 89") Redo last user data edit
scrollPageUp Page Up ("33") scroll page up by table height
scrollPageDown Page Down ("34") scroll page down by table height
scrollToStart Home ("36") scroll to first row
scrollToEnd End ("35") scroll to last row

Customize Key Bindings

If you would prefer to use different key combinations then that is no problem, you can use the keybindings option to change any of the above bindings.

The keybindings option takes an object that should consist of properties with the name of the action you wish to bind and a value of the key code string.

The key code should consist of the keycodes for the keys to be pressed, separated by the + symbol. The exceptions to this are ctrl and shift which should be used to check that the ctrl or shift keys are pressed as well.

The example below shows how to change the key bindings for the redo function to user the ctrl and r keys:

        "redo" : "ctrl + 82", //bind redo function to ctrl + r

Disable A Default Key Binding

To disable any of the default keybindings, pass a value of false to is property in the keybindings option:

        "navUp" : false, //disable navUp keybinding

Disable All Key Bindings

To disable all key bindings set the keybindings option to false

    keybindings:false, //disable all key bindings

Download Table Data

Tabulator allows you to download the table data as a file directly from your browser, no server needed.

The download will contain the text values of all data currently visible in the table, matching the current column layout, column titles, sorting and filtering.

You have a choice of four file types to choose from:

  • csv - Comma separated value file
  • json - JSON formatted text file
  • xlsx - Excel File (Requires the SheetJS Library)

To trigger a download, call the download function, passing the file type (from the above list) as the first argument, and an optional second argument of the file name for the download (if this is left out it will be "Tabulator.ext"). The optional third argument is an object containing any setup options for the formatter, such as the delimiter choice for CSV's).

$("#example-table").tabulator("download", "csv", "data.csv"); //download table data as a CSV formatted file with a file name of data.csv

Custom CSV Delimiters

By default CSV files are created using a comma (,) delimiter. If you need to change this for any reason the you can pass the options object with a delimiter property to the download function which will then use this delimiter instead of the comma.

$("#example-table").tabulator("download", "csv", "data.csv", {delimiter:"."}); //download a CSV file that uses a fullstop (.) delimiter

Custom File Formatter

If you want to create a custom file type from the table data then you can pass a function to the type argument, instead of a string value. At the end of this function you must call the setFileContents function, passing the formatted data and the mime type.

//custom file formatter
var fileFormatter = function(columns, data, options, setFileContents){
    //columns - column definition array for table (with columns in current visible order);
    //data - currently displayed table data
    //options - the options object passed from the download function
    //setFileContents - function to call to pass the formatted data to the downloader

    //create a list of all name fields
    var names = [];


    //trigger file download, passing the formatted data and mime type
    setFileContents(names.join(", "), "text/plain");

//trigger file download
$("#example-table").tabulator("download", fileFormatter, "test.txt");

Note: You can find out more about data URI's Here.

Hide Column In Download

If you don't want to show a particular column in the downloaded data you can set the download property in its column definition object to false:

        {title:"Hidden Column", field:"secret", download:false} //hide data in download

Change Column Title in Download

You can add a custom column title to be used in the downloaded data instead of the usual title by setting the downloadTitle property in the column definition object:

        {title:"Name", field:"name", downloadTitle:"Full Name"} //change column title to "Full Name" in download

Mutate Data Before Download

If you want to make any changes to the table data before it is parsed into the download file you can pass a mutator function to the downloadDataMutator option in the table definition.

In the example below we map the numerical age column into a string of "adult" or "child" based on the age value

        //data - active table data array

            row.age = row.age >= 18 ? "adult" : "child";

        return data;


If you want to make your table accessible to users from a wide variety of languages then Tabulators localization features are for you.

Using the langs option you can specify the localized content for the table in any number of languages.

You can store as many languages as you like, creating an object inside the langs object with a property of the locale code for that language. A list of locale codes can be found here.

At present there are three parts of the table that can be localised, the column headers, the header filter placeholder text and the pagination buttons. To localize the pagination buttons, create a pagination property inside your language object and give it the properties outlined below.

If you wish you can also localize column titles by adding a columns property to your language object. You should store a property of the field name of the column you wish to change, with a value of its title. Any fields that match this will use this title instead of the one provided by the column definition array.

                "name":"Name", //replace the title of column name with the value "Name"
                "loading":"Loading", //ajax loader text
                "error":"Error", //ajax error text
            "groups":{ //copy for the auto generated item count in group header
                "item":"item", //the singular  for item
                "items":"items", //the plural for items
                "first":"First", //text for the first page button
                "first_title":"First Page", //tooltip text for the first page button
                "last_title":"Last Page",
                "prev_title":"Prev Page",
                "next_title":"Next Page",
                "default":"filter column...", //default header filter placeholder text
                    "name":"filter name...", //replace default header filter text for column name

Setting the Locale

You can set the current local in one of two ways. If you want to set it when the table is created, simply include the locale option in your Tabulator constructor. You can either pass in a string matching one of the language options you have defined, or pass in the boolean true which will cause Tabulator to auto-detect the browsers language settings from the navigator.language object.

    locale:true, //auto detect the current language.

You can also set the language at any point after the table has loaded using the setLocale function, which takes the same range of values as the locale setup option mentioned above.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setLocale", "fr"); //set locale to french

Note: if Tabulator cant find a match, it will try and find the next best thing. For example if you were trying to set the locale to Belgian French "fr-be", if that option had not been defined, then Tabulator would go on to look for an"fr" option instead. if no matching locale is found then Then tabulator will default to using its built-in English language text.

When a localization event has occurred , the localized callback will triggered, passing the current locale code and language object:

    localized:function(locale, lang){
        //locale - a string representing the current locale
        //lang - the language object for the current locale

Getting the Current Locale

It is possible to retrieve the locale code currently being used by Tabulator using the getLocale function:

$("#example-table").tabulator("getLocale"); //return string for current locale code

Extending Localization

As well as the default columns and pagination properties required in the language object, you can also add any additional properties you like to the object to be used in localising other elements.

                "site_name":"What A Great Table Based Site!!!",
                "name":"Name", //replace the title of column name with the value "Name";
                "first":"First", //text for the first page button
                "first_title":"First Page", //tooltip text for the first page button
                "last_title":"Last Page",
                "prev_title":"Prev Page",
                "next_title":"Next Page",

You can then access these at any point using the getLang function, which will return the language object for the currently active locale.

$("#example-table").tabulator("getLang"); //return current lang object


Tabulator makes full use of aria accessibility tags to make the table machine readable by screen readers and other digital accessibility equipment.

The following role tags are used:

  • grid - Marks the element containing the tabulator as a grid
  • columngroup - Marks any column group title cells
  • columnheader - Marks each column header cell
  • row - Marks each row of the table
  • rowgroup - Marks any sections of grouped rows
  • rowheader - Marks the header of row group sections
  • gridcell - Marks each cell of the table
  • alert - Marks ant popup messages such as the ajax loader message
  • button - used to mark the pagination controls as buttons

In addition a number of other tags are used as needed throughout Tabulator:

  • aria-label - Used to hold cell value on graphically formatted cells. also used to give useful information on pagination controls
  • aria-sort - Shows current sort property of each column
  • aria-disabled - Shows the disabled state of pagination controls
  • aria-checked - Shows the checked state of cells that use a tick formatter
  • aria-valuemin - Shows the minimum possible value on the progressbar editor
  • aria-valuemax - Shows the maximum possible value on the progressbar editor
  • aria-valuenow - Shows the current value on the progressbar editor

Extensions Updated

Tabulator is built in a modular fashion with a core codebase providing basic table rendering functionality and a series of extensions that provide all of its wonderful features.

All of the available extensions are installed by default to ensure that you can provide your users with the richest experience possible with minimal setup.

Creating a Custom Tabulator Build

If you want to run a minimal installation of Tabulator, using only the extensions needed for your project then you will need to rebuild a custom distribution using the steps below.

Tabulator's codebase is composed of a number of files located in the /src folder, and is built using the Gulp Task Runner. The gulpfile.js file that controls the build can be found in the root directory.

As gulp is an Node.js tool, you will first need to make sure you have Node.js installed.

Once installed you will then need to install the gulp plugin by opening a console window in the tabulator folder and typing the following command:

npm install gulp-cli -g

You will then need to setup the project by opening a console window in the root of the Tabulator directory and typing the following command:

npm install

You are now ready to make a custom build. The /src/extensions_enabled.js file lists all extensions that will be installed in the build (they are supposed to be in comments). To remove an extension from your build, simply delete its line in the file.

Once you are happy with the list of extensions that are going to be installed you need to trigger the build process. To do this open a console in the root of the Tabulator directory and run the following command:


Wait for the command to finish processing, then the /dist folder will contain your own custom build of Tabulator!

Extending Extensions

A lot of the extensions come with a range of default settings to make setting up your table easier, for example the sorters, formatters and editors that ship with Tabulator as standard.

If you are using a lot of custom settings over and over again (for example a custom sorter). you can end up re-delcaring it several time for different tables. To make your life easier Tabulator allows you to extend the default setup of each extension to make your custom options as easily accessible as the defaults.

Using the extendExtension function on the global Tabulator variable allows you to globally add these options to all tables.

The function takes three arguments, the name of the extension, the name of the property you want to extend, and an object containing the elements you want to add in your extension. In the example below we extend the format extension to add two new default formatters:

Tabulator.extendExtension("format", "formatters", {
    bold:function(cell, formatterParams){
        return "<strong>" + cell.getValue() + "</strong>"; //make the contents of the cell bold
    uppercase:function(cell, formatterParams){
        return cell.getValue().toUpperCase(); //make the contents of the cell uppercase

These formatters can then be access like any of the default formatters in the column definition object:

{title:"name", field:"name", formatter:"bold"},
{title:"Car Registration", field:"reg", formatter:"uppercase"},

The extendExtension function must be called on Tabulator after the tabulator.js file is included but before any tables are instantiated.

Note: if you use a property in your extension object that is already in use, the existing property will be overwritten.

Available Extensions Updated

This section will take you through all of the available extensions and how to extend them further with your own custom functionality.

As mentioned above, Tabulator comes with all extensions installed by default.

Accessors (included in tabulator.js by default)

The accessor extension allows for manipulation of data as it is retrieved from Tabulator.

More information on these functions can be found in the Accessors Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom accessor functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("accessor", "accessors", {
    roundDown:function(value, data, accessorParams){
        return Math.floor(value); //return the new value for the cell data.

You can use an accessor defined in the extension by passing the name to the accessor property in the column definition object.

        {field:"tax", title:"Tax (£)", accessor:"roundDown"},

Ajax Requests (included in tabulator.js by default)

The ajax extension allows for loading data from remote sources using ajax requests.

More information on these functions can be found in the Ajax Documentation.

The default ajax configuration object can be extended to changed the default request behaviour. the example below will change the default request type to POST and the contentType header to application/JSON.

Tabulator.extendExtension("ajax", "defaultConfig", {
    contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Column Calculation (included in tabulator.js by default)

The column calculation extension allows for automatic column calculation rows to be generated in the header and footer of the table.

More information on these functions can be found in the Column Calculations Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom calculation functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("columnCalcs", "calculations", {
    "adult":function(values, data, calcParams){
        //values - array of column values
        //data - all table data
        //calcParams - params passed from the column definition object

        var count = 0;

            if(value > 18){
                count ++;

        return calc;

Download (included in tabulator.js by default)

The download extension allows for downloading data from the table into a file.

More information on these functions can be found in the Download Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom download functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("download", "downloaders", {
    string:function(columns, data, options){
        var fileContents = data.toString();
        return 'data:application/txt;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(fileContents);

You can now use this in the download function:

$("#example-table").tabulator("download", "string", "data.txt");

Edit (included in tabulator.js by default)

The edit extension allows the user to change data in cells, header filters are also dependent on this extension.

More information on these functions can be found in the Editing Data Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom editor functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("edit", "editors", {
    uppercaseInput:function(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){

        //create and style input
        var input = $("<input type='text'/>");



        //submit new value on blur
        input.on("change blur", function(e){

        //submit new value on enter
        input.on("keydown", function(e){
            if(e.keyCode == 13){

        return input;

You can use an editor defined in the extension by passing the name to the editor property in the column definition object.

        {field:"tax", title:"Tax (£)", editor:"uppercaseInput"},

Filter Data (included in tabulator.js by default)

The filter extension allows for filtering of the rows that appear in the table..

More information on these functions can be found in the Filter Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom filter functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("filter", "filters", {
    "===":function(filterVal, rowVal){
        return rowVal === filterVal ? true : false;

You can now use this in any of the filter functions:

$("#example-table").tabulator("setFilter", "age", "===", 10);

Format Data (included in tabulator.js by default)

The format extension allows different display options for data in the table.

More information on these functions can be found in the Formatter Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom formatter functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("format", "formatters", {
    file:function(cell, formatterParams){
        return "<img class='fileicon' src='/images/fileicons/" + cell.getValue() + ".png'></img>";

You can use a formatter defined in the extension by passing the name to the formatter property in the column definition object.

        {field:"Photo", title:"photo", formatter:"file"},

Frozen Columns (included in tabulator.js by default)

The frozen column extension allows columns to be held in place while the table is horizontally scrolled.

More information on these functions can be found in the Frozen Columns Documentation.

Frozen Rows New(included in tabulator.js by default)

The frozen row extension allows rows to be held in place in the header while the table is vertically scrolled.

More information on these functions can be found in the Frozen Rows Documentation.

Group Rows (included in tabulator.js by default)

The group rows extension allows rows to be grouped together by a column value.

More information on these functions can be found in the Grouping Documentation.

History (included in tabulator.js by default)

The history extension allows the Tabulator to track user interaction with table data, and makes the undo and redo function available.

More information on these functions can be found in the History Documentation.

HTML Table Import (included in tabulator.js by default)

The allows HTML tables to be converted to Tabulators.

More information on these functions can be found in the HTML Import Documentation.

Key Bindings (included in tabulator.js by default)

The key bindings extension allows user interaction with the table through keyboard shortcuts.

More information on these functions can be found in the Key Bindings Documentation.

Any of the default keybindings options can be extended:

Tabulator.extendExtension("keybindings", "bindings", {
    navPrev:"shift + 9",

The default list of keybinding actions and their functions can be extended:

Tabulator.extendExtension("keybindings", "actions", {
    "deleteSelectedRows":function(){ //delete selected rows
        var rows = this.table.getSelectedRows();


Layout (included in tabulator.js by default. Mandatory extension - cannot be removed)

The layout extension handles column layout modes

More information on this functionaluty can be found in the Layout Documentation.

Localization (included in tabulator.js by default. Mandatory extension - cannot be removed)

The localization extension allows for changing the text of tabulator control elements to match the language on the computer viewing them.

More information on these functions can be found in the Localization Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom language definitions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("localize", "langs", {
            "first_title":"First Page",
            "last_title":"Last Page",
            "prev_title":"Prev Page",
            "next_title":"Next Page",
            "default":"filter column...",

This will then be available to the locale auto-detect as well as the setLocale function.

$("#example-table").tabulator("setLocale", "en");

Movable Columns (included in tabulator.js by default)

The movable columns extension allows the user to drag and drop columns in any order they like.

More information on these functions can be found in the Movable Column Documentation.

Movable Rows (included in tabulator.js by default)

The movable rows extension allows the user to drag and drop rows in any order they like.

More information on these functions can be found in the Movable Rows Documentation.

Mutators (included in tabulator.js by default)

The mutator extension allows for manipulation of data as it is entered into Tabulator.

More information on these functions can be found in the Mutators Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom mutator functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("mutator", "mutators", {
    tooManyCars:function(value, data, type, mutatorParams){
        return value > 5;

You can use a mutator defined in the extension by passing the name to the mutator property in the column definition object.

        {field:"tax", title:"Tax (£)", mutator:"tooManyCars"},

Pagination (included in tabulator.js by default)

The pagination extension allows rows to be split up into pages for navigation rather than using a vertical scroll bar.

More information on these functions can be found in the Pagination Documentation.

Any of the default paginationDataSent options can be extended:

Tabulator.extendExtension("page", "paginationDataSentNames", {

Any of the default paginationDataReceived options can also be extended:

Tabulator.extendExtension("page", "paginationDataReceivedNames", {

Persistent Config (included in tabulator.js by default)

The persistence extension allows the layout of columns and the current sorters and filters to be stored in local storage or cookies so that a users preferences can be remembered every time they reload the page.

More information on these functions can be found in the Persistent Config Documentation.

Resizable Columns (included in tabulator.js by default)

The resizable columns extension allows the user to resize columns by dragging on the edge of the columns.

More information on these functions can be found in the Resizable Columns Documentation.

Resizable Rows New(included in tabulator.js by default)

The resizable rows extension allows the user to resize rows by dragging on the top or bottom edges of a row.

More information on these functions can be found in the Resizable Rows Documentation.

Resizable Table New(included in tabulator.js by default)

The table resize extension allows the table to automatically redraw its contents to fit its container when the table container is resized.

More information on these functions can be found in the Table Resize Documentation.

Responsive Layout (included in tabulator.js by default)

The responsive layout extension hides and shows columns to ensure that they do not excede the width of the table. Great for use on mobile devices.

More information on these functions can be found in the Responsive Layout Documentation.

Selectable Rows (included in tabulator.js by default)

The selectable rows extension allows the user to select a number of rows to take action on them.

More information on these functions can be found in the Selectable Rows Documentation.

Sorting Data (included in tabulator.js by default)

The sorting extension allows for reordering of rows in the table based on a column value.

More information on these functions can be found in the Sorting Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom sorter functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("sort", "sorters", {
    datetime:function(a, b){
       a = moment(a, "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
       b = moment(b, "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
       return a - b;

You can use a sorter defined in the extension by passing the name to the sorter property in the column definition object.

        {field:"start", title:"Start Time", sorter:"datetime"},

Validate Data (included in tabulator.js by default)

The validate extension allows for validation of edited data before it is stored in the table.

More information on these functions can be found in the Validation Documentation.

This can be extended to add custom validator functions to the default list:

Tabulator.extendExtension("validate", "validators", {
    divTen:function(cell, value, parameters){
       //cell - the cell component for the edited cell
       //value - the new input value of the cell
       //parameters - the parameters passed in with the validator

       return !value % 10; //only allow values that are divisible by 10;

Default Options

If you always pass the same setup options to your Tabulator constructor object, you can also make these default by Aextending the jQuery widget, these will then automatically apply to any new Tabulator's unless the value is overwritten in construction object when you create a specific Tabulator.

This code must be inserted after the tabulator.js file is included but before any tables are instantiated.

For example the below code will cause all Tabulators to have resizable columns by default.

$.widget("ui.tabulator", $.ui.tabulator, {
    options: {

Deprecated Functionality Updated

The following functionality has been deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0

Persistence ID New

Deprecated Function

Setting the persistent storage ID using the persistentLayoutID option:


Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the persistenceID option:


Persistence Mode New

Deprecated Function

Enabling column layout persistence and setting the persistent storage mode using the persistentLayout option:

    persistentLayout:"cookie", //enable persistent column layout and set id

Replacement Function

You should now set the storage mode using the persistenceMode option and enable persistent column layouts with the persistentLayout option:

    persistenceMode:"cookie", //set persistent storage mode
    persistentLayout:true, //enable persistent column layout

Email Formatter New

Deprecated Function

Creating a mailto link using the email formatter:

{title:"Email", field:"email", formatter:"email"}

Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the link formatter with the new formatterParams of urlPrefix set to mailto::

{title:"Email", field:"email", formatter:"link", formatterParams:{urlPrefix:"mailto:"}}

fitColumns Setup Option

Deprecated Function

Setting the layout mode to fitColumns using the fitColumns option:

    fitColumns:true, //enable fit columns layout mode

Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the layout option which allows the mode to be set to a number of different options including fitColumns:

    layout:"fitColumns", //enable fitColumns layout mode

Get Filters

Deprecated Function

Getting the current filters using the getFilter function:

var filters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getFilter");

Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the getFilters function:

var filters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getFilters");

Get Sorters

Deprecated Function

Getting the current sorters using the getSort function:

var sorters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getSort");

Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the getSorters function:

var sorters = $("#example-table").tabulator("getSorters");

Header Tooltip

Deprecated Function

Setting a columns header tooltip using the tooltipHeader property in its column definition array:

{title:"name", field:"name", width:40, align:"center", tooltipHeader:true},

Replacement Function

This has been replaced with the headerTooltip property:

{title:"name", field:"name", width:40, align:"center", headerTooltip:true},

Ajax Sort Parameters

Ajax sorting now sends all current sorts instead of just the first, for more information checkout the Ajax Sorting Documentation

Deprecated Function

Setting the sort and sort_dir properties in the paginationDataSent option:


Replacement Function

Sort data is now passed as an array to the sorters property of the paginationDataSent option:


Ajax Filter Parameters

Ajax sorting now sends all current filters instead of just the first, for more information checkout the Ajax Filtering Documentation

Deprecated Function

Setting the filter, filter_value and filter_type properties in the paginationDataSent option:


Replacement Function

Filter data is now passed as an array to the filters property of the paginationDataSent option:
