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Formatting The Table


Tabulator allows you to format your data in a wide variety of ways, so your tables can display information in a more graphical and clear layout.

The example below is a bit garish but it does demonstrate well how many options there are to customise your tables.

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<div id="example-table"></div>


//Generate print icon
var printIcon = function(cell, formatterParams){ //plain text value
    return "<i class='fa fa-print'></i>";

//Build Tabulator
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        if(row.getData().col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#1e3b20";
    {formatter:"rownum", hozAlign:"center", width:40},
    {formatter:printIcon, width:40, hozAlign:"center", cellClick:function(e, cell){alert("Printing row data for: " + cell.getRow().getData().name)}},
    {title:"Name", field:"name", width:150, formatter:function(cell, formatterParams){
       var value = cell.getValue();
        if(value.indexOf("o") > 0){
            return "<span style='color:#3FB449; font-weight:bold;'>" + value + "</span>";
            return value;
    {title:"Progress", field:"progress", formatter:"progress", formatterParams:{color:["#00dd00", "orange", "rgb(255,0,0)"]}, sorter:"number", width:100},
    {title:"Rating", field:"rating", formatter:"star", formatterParams:{stars:6}, hozAlign:"center", width:120},
    {title:"Driver", field:"car", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:50},
    {title:"Col", field:"col" ,formatter:"color", width:50},
    {title:"Line Wraping", field:"lorem" ,formatter:"textarea"},
    {formatter:"buttonCross", width:30, hozAlign:"center"}

Cell Formatters

You can set cell formatters on a per column basis using the formatter option in the column definition object.

You can pass an optional additional parameter with the formatter, formatterParams that should contain an object with additional information for configuring the formatter.

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:"star", formatterParams:{stars:6}}

Params Lookup Function

If you want to dynamically generate the formatterParams at the time the formatter is called you can pass a function into the property that should return the params object.

//define lookup function
function paramLookup(cell){
    //cell - the cell component
    //do some processing and return the param object
    return {param1:"green"};

//column definition
{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:"star", formatterParams:paramLookup}

Built In Formatters

Tabulator comes with a number of preconfigured formatters, which are outlined below.

To guard against code injection, any formatters that are meant to display text (plaintext, textarea, money, email, link) have the data sanitized first to escape any potentially harmful HTML or JavaScript from making into the table, this causes any such data to be displayed as its plain text alternative. If you want the HTML to be displayed correctly use the html formatter, but be aware if your data can be user edited this could allow for malicious script injection.

Note: For a guide to adding your own formatters to this list, have a look at the Extending Tabulator section.

Plain Text

The plaintext formatter is the default formatter for all cells and will simply dispay the value of the cell as text.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"plaintext"}

Text Area

The textarea formatter shows text with carriage returns intact (great for multiline text), this formatter will also adjust the height of rows to fit the cells contents when columns are resized.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"textarea"}


The html formatter displays un-sanitized html.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"html"}


The money formatter formats a number into currency notation (eg. 1234567.8901 -> 1,234,567.89).

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"money", formatterParams:{

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • decimal - Symbol to represent the decimal point (default ".")
  • thousand - Symbol to represent the thousands separator, set to a value of false to disable the separator (default ",")
  • symbol - currency symbol (no default)
  • symbolAfter - position the symbol after the number (default false)
  • negativeSign - the sign to show in front of the number if it is negative (default "-"). Setting this to a value of true will cause negative numbers to be wrapped in parentheses (123.45), which is the standard style for negative numbers in accounting.
  • precision - the number of decimals to display (default is 2), setting this value to false will display however many decimals are provided with the number


The image formatter creates an img element with the src set as the value. (triggers the normalizeHeight function on the row on image load).

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"image", formatterParams:{

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • height - a CSS value for the height of the image
  • width - a CSS value for the width of the image
  • urlPrefix - prepend string to the start of the cell value when generating the image src url
  • urlSuffix - append string to the end of the cell value when generating the image src url


The link formatter renders data as an anchor with a link to the given value (by default the value will be used as both the url and the label of the tag).

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"link", formatterParams:{

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • labelField - the field in the row data that should be used for the link label
  • label - a string representing the label, or a function which must return the string for the label, the function is passed the Cell Component as its first argument
  • urlPrefix - a prefix to put before the url value (eg. to turn a emaill address into a clickable mailto link you should set this to "mailto:")
  • urlField - the field in the row data that should be used for the link url
  • url - a string representing the url, or a function which must return the string for the url, the function is passed the Cell Component as its first argument
  • target - a string representing the value of the anchor tags target artibute (eg. set to "_blank" to open link in new tab)
  • download - treat the link as a download instead of opening in the browser (default:false), this can take three different types of value:
    • true - a boolean value of true will mark the link as a download and use the filename provided by the server
    • string - a string for the filename of the downloaded file
    • function - a callback that will be passed in the cell component as an argument and should return the file name for the downloaded file

Date Time

Dependency Required
You will need to include the luxon.js library to use this formatter. The Dependencies Docs contain info on how to register other libraries with Tabulator.

The datetime formatter transforms on format of date or time into another.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"datetime", formatterParams:{
    inputFormat:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:ss",
    invalidPlaceholder:"(invalid date)",

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • inputFormat - the format of the date/time in the row data. (default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss). This accepts any valid Luxon format string, or the value "iso" which accept any ISO formatted data. If the input value is a luxon DateTime object then you can ignore this option.
  • outputFormat - the format of the date/time to be displayed (default: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss)
  • invalidPlaceholder - the value to be displayed if an invalid input date/time is provided (default:""), this can take three different types of value:
    • true - a boolean of true will display the cells original value
    • function - a function passed into this will be called with the original value of the cell passed into its first argument
    • string/number - a string on number will be displayed instead of the cells value
  • timezone - set the timezone for the datetime, it will accept any valid Luxon Timezone.

Date Time Difference

Dependency Required
You will need to include the luxon.js library to use this formatter. If you want to use the humanize option, then you will need version 2.3 or greater. The Dependencies Docs contain info on how to register other libraries with Tabulator.

The datetimediff show difference between two datetimes.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"datetimediff", formatterParams:{
    units:["months", "days", "hours"],
    invalidPlaceholder:"(invalid date)",

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • inputFormat - the format of the date/time in the row data (default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss). This accepts any valid Luxon format string, or the value "iso" which accept any ISO formatted data. If the input value is a luxon DateTime object then you can ignore this option.
  • date - a luxon object of the data to compare against (defaults to the current date time)
  • humanize - if set to true diff will be displayed in a human readable fashion (eg "10 days") (default: false)
  • unit - the time using for the difference (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds). If humanize is used you can pass an array of units into this option to define how the difference will be humanized (default:seconds)
  • suffix - if humanize is used setting this to true will make times relative (eg "10 days ago"). if humanize is not used the string passed to this will be appended after the difference value (default:false)
  • invalidPlaceholder - the value to be displayed if an invalid input date/time is provided (default:""), this can take three different types of value:
    • true - a boolean of true will display the cells original value
    • function - a function passed into this will be called with the original value of the cell passed into its first argument
    • string/number - a string on number will be displayed instead of the cells value

Tick Cross

The tickCross formatter displays a green tick if the value is (true|'true'|'True'|1) and a red cross if not.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"tickCross", formatterParams:{
    tickElement:"<i class='fa fa-check'></i>",
    crossElement:"<i class='fa fa-times'></i>",

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • allowEmpty - set to true to cause empty values (undefined, null, "") to display an empty cell instead of a cross (default false)
  • allowTruthy - set to true to allow any truthy value to show a tick (default false)
  • tickElement - custom HTML for the tick element, if set to false the tick element will not be shown (it will only show crosses)
  • crossElement - custom HTML for the cross element, if set to false the cross element will not be shown (it will only show ticks)


The color formatter sets the background colour of the cell to the value. The cell's value can be any valid CSS color eg. #ff0000, #f00, rgb(255,0,0), red, rgba(255,0,0,0), hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"color"}

Star Rating

The star formatter displays a graphical star rating based on integer values.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"star", formatterParams:{

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • stars - maximum number of stars to be displayed (default 5)

Traffic Light

The traffic formatter displays a coloured circle that changes colour depending on the numeric value of the cell. No image will be displayed if the cells value is undefined or not a valid number

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"traffic", formatterParams:{
    color:["green", "orange", "red"],

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • min - minimum value for progress bar (default 0)
  • max - minimum value for progress bar (default 100)
  • color - colour of progress bar (default ["red", "orange", "green"]), this can be:
    • array of strings - an array of color strings, that will divide the background colour across the min-max range of values(eg ["green", "orange", "#ff0000"])
    • function - a callback that is passed the value of the cell and must return the color (eg function(value){return "red"})

Progress Bar

The progress formatter displays a progress bar that fills the cell from left to right, using values 0-100 as a percentage of width.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"progress", formatterParams:{
    color:["green", "orange", "red"],

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • min - minimum value for progress bar (default 0)
  • max - minimum value for progress bar (default 100)
  • color - colour of progress bar (default #2DC214), this can be:
    • string - any valid css color string (eg "#fff000")
    • array of strings - an array of color strings, that will divide the background colour across the min-max range of values(eg ["green", "orange", "red"])
    • function - a callback that is passed the value of the cell and must return the bar color (eg function(value){return "red"})
  • legend - a text value to display over the progress bar, this can be:
    • string - any string
    • true - if set to true this will show the value of the cell
    • function - a callback that is passed the value of the cell and must return the legend contents (eg function(value){return value + "%"})
  • legendColor - the text colour for the legend, has the same range of value options as the color property
  • legendAlign - the text alignment for the legend, this can be:
    • center - center align text (default)
    • left - left align text
    • right - right align text
    • justify - stretch out text to fit line


The array formatter joins arrays of values into a string seperated by a delimiter character ("," by default)

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"array", formatterParams:{
    delimiter: "|", //join values using the "|" delimiter
    valueMap: "age", //show the age property of the objects

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • delimiter - the character used to join the array values togeather (default "|")
  • valueMap - used when the array contains objects with nested properties to choose a property to display

Value Maps

Sometimes the array could be storing a series of objects with nested properties. you can use the valueMap param to choose which property should be displayed for each item in the array

In this example lets assume we have a cell that for each row contains array of people objects with the following values:


And lets say we wanted to show the name of each person in that array, We could use tha valueMap to choose the property we wanted to display. In this case we can pass a string in to select the nested property we are looking for using standard dot notation. this will use the tables nestedFieldSeparator option for whatever your default separator is.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"array", formatterParams:{
    delimiter: "|", //join values using the "|" delimiter
    valueMap:"", //show the name of each item in the array

You can also choose to pass a callback function into the valueMap param. This callback should be compatible with the standard js array map function. it should have one argument, the incoming array item to be mapped, and should return the mapped value for that item.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"array", formatterParams:{
        return; //show the name property in the details object on each item in the array

List Lookup

The lookup formatter looks up the value to display from a object passed into the formatterParams property, if not present it displays the current cell value

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"lookup", formatterParams:{
    "small": "Cute",
    "medium": "Fine",
    "big": "Scary",

To use this formatter you need to pass an object to formatterParams where the initial value of the cell is the property key and the value to be displayed is the property value (eg {"blue":"black", "red":"green"}, would change the value "blue" to "black", and the value "red" to "green")


The json formatter uses the JSON.stringify function to pretty print objects and arrays

{title:"Example", field:"example", variableHeight:true, formatter:"json", formatterParams:{
    multiline: false, //show output on only one line
    indent: " ", //indent object properties with a single spave
    replacer: ["cheese"] //show only the "cheese" property from the cell value object

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • multiline - pretty print the output on multiple lines (default true)
  • indent - the indent character used for object properties (default "\t")
  • replacer - the replacer argument for the JSON.stringify function. Checkout the MDN Docs for full details

Note - When using this formatter in multiline mode, you should also set the variableHeight option on the column definition to true, this will ensure the row height is recalculated if the resizing of the column causes text to wrap

Toggle Switch

The toggle formatter displays as a toggle switch that shows itself as either on or off depending on value.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"toggle", formatterParams:{

The formatter has optional properties for the formatterParams object:

  • size - siz in pixes for the switch (default 15)
  • max - minimum value for progress bar (default 100)
  • onValue - the value of the cell for the switch to be on(default true)
  • offValue - the value of the cell for the switch to be on(default false)
  • onTruthy - will show the swtich as on, if the value of the cell is truthy(default false)
  • onColor - the colour of the switch if it is on
  • offColor - the colour of the switch if it is off
  • clickable - enable swtich functionality to toggle the cell value on click

Tick Button

The buttonTick formatter displays a tick icon on each row (for use as a button)

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"buttonTick"}

Cross Button

The buttonCross formatter displays a cross icon on each row (for use as a button)

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"buttonCross"}


The adaptable formatter is a bit of a special case, instead of creating a formatter itself, it lets you pick between any existing formatter based on the value of the cell. This is particularly useful when a column might have varying types of data that you may need each cell to be formatted differently.

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"adaptable"}

By default the adaptable formatter will attempt to pick a formatter based on the cells value:

  • Boolean - If the value is a boolean type, the tickCross formatter will be used
  • Text - If the value is a string with a carriage return in it, the textarea formatter will be used
  • Plain Text - for all other values, the plaintext formatter will be used

Customise Formatter Lookup

You can customise which formatters are chosen using the formatterLookup option on the formatterParams object. This option takes a function with one argument, the CellComponent for the cell being edited. The function should return the choice of formatter, this can be any value that can be passed to the normal formatter option

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"adaptable", formatterParams:{
        //cell - the Cell Component for the cell being formatted
        var value = cell.getValue();
        return typeof === "boolean" ? "tickCross" : "plaintext"; // if the cell contains a boolean user the tickCross formatter, otherwise use the plaintext formatter;

Params Lookup

You can also customise the params that are passed into the chosen formatter by using the paramsLookup option on the formatterParams object. You should pass an object into this option, with a key for each type of formatter that can be looked up, and a value of ts params object:

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"adaptable", formatterParams:{

Alternatively, if you need more control of the params generated for the formatter, you can pass a function into the paramsLookup option. This function takes two arguments, the first ist the formatter that has been chosen, the second is the CellComponent for the cell being edited. The function should return the params object for that formatter:

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"adaptable", formatterParams:{
    paramsLookup:(lookup, cell) => {
        return {
            tickCross: cell.getColumn().getField() === "sad" ? ":(" : ":)", //set the tick value to :( if the field is sad, otherwise set it to :)

Row Number

The rownum formatter shows an incrementing row number for each row as it is displayed

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"rownum"}

Sorting / Filtering
Row numbers only refer to the current position of the row in the table. Sorting or filtering the table will result in row numbers being reallocated to ensure the order remains consistent.

Row Handle

The handle formatter fills the cell with hamburger bars, to be used as a row handle

{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"handle"}

Module Formatters

There are a number of special formatters that are tied to specific module functionally. These formmatters should only be used in conjunction with the specified modules.

Row Selection

The rowSelection formatter allows you to add a column of tickboxes down one side of your table to handle row selection, when used as a titleFormatter it provides a tickbox that can toggle the selection of all rows in the table

{formatter:"rowSelection", titleFormatter:"rowSelection", hozAlign:"center", headerSort:false}

By default all rows in the table are toggled when the title formatter check box is clicked, you can change this by passing a Row Range Lookup value to the rowRange parameter in the column definitions titleFormatterParams option

var table = new Tabulator("#table", {
    {formatter:"rowSelection", titleFormatter:"rowSelection", titleFormatterParams:{
        rowRange:"active" //only toggle the values of the active filtered rows
    }, hozAlign:"center", headerSort:false},

The rowSelection formatter can only be used on one column at a time, loading this formatter onto multiple columns will result in inconsistent functionality.

For more information on when to use this formatter, checkout the Row Selection Documentation

Responsive Collapse List Show/Hide

If you would like your users to be able to interact with the list and hide/show it as needed you can add a column that uses the built-in responsiveCollapse formatter that provides a control for toggling the visibility of the collapsed list

{formatter:"responsiveCollapse", headerSort:false}

The column using this formatter will be automatically hidden when there are no collapsed columns to display.

For more information on when to use this formatter, checkout the Responsive Collapse Documentation

Custom Formatters

As well as the built-in formatters you can define a formatter using a custom formatter function.

The formatter function accepts two arguments, the CellComponent for the cell being formatted and the formatterParams option from the column definition.

The function must return the contents of the cell, either the text value of the cell, valid HTML or a DOM node.

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
    //cell - the cell component
    //formatterParams - parameters set for the column
    //onRendered - function to call when the formatter has been rendered
    return "Mr" + cell.getValue(); //return the contents of the cell;

Formatters vs Mutators
An important difference between a formatter and a mutator is that a formatter will only alter how data is displayed in cells but will not affect the data itself, while a mutator will alter the data contained in the table, which will then be visible in the data retrieved using the getData function. (see Mutators for more details)

Triggering Actions After the Formatter Has Been Displayed

The formatter code is run before the element is added to the DOM, on the whole this is not a problem, but some other libraries require the element they are attached to to be visible before they are run. To do this Tabulator provides the onRendered callback function.

To use this function you need to pass a callback that runs any of your required code as the only argument. The example below uses the jQuery sparkline widget to format data into a chart

var sparklineFormatter = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
    $(cell.getElement()).sparkline(cell.getValue(), {width:"100%", type:"bar"});

Managing Formatting

Variable Height Formatters

By default formatters will keep their contents within the height of the current row, hiding any overflow. The only exception to this is the textarea formatter which will automatically vary its height when the column is resized so its contents does not overflow.

If you would like this functionally to appear in another type of formatter you can set the variableHeight property to true in the column definition and it will will behave in a similar way to the textarea formatter:

{title:"Name", field:"name", formatter:myCustomFormatter, variableHeight:true}

Column Header Title Formatters

You can use formatters to layout your column titles using the titleFormatter and titleFormatterParams options in a column's defintition object:

These work in exactly the same way as the formatter and formatterParams options and accept the same Formatters

//column definition in the columns array
{title:"five", field:"rating", titleFormatter:"star", titleFormatterParams:{stars:5}},

Params Lookup Function

If you want to dynamically generate the titleFormatterParams at the time the formatter is called you can pass a function into the property that should return the params object.

//define lookup function
function paramLookup(){
    //do some processing and return the param object
    return {param1:"green"};

//column definition
{title:5, field:"rating", titleFormatter:"star", titleFormatterParams:paramLookup}

Export Formatting

When exporting data from a table by printing, using the clipboard or using the getHTML function, you may want to apply a different formatter from the one usualy used to format the cell.

There are differnt formatter properties for each type of export:

  • formatterPrint - Formatter to be used when printing
  • formatterClipboard - Formatter to be used when copying to the clipboard
  • formatterHtmlOutput - Formatter to be used when the getHtml function is called

Each export formatter function has its own matching params option, for example formatterPrint has formatterPrintParams.

These properties take the same inputs as the standard formatter property

//define print formatter
function printFormatter(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
    return cell.getValue() ? "YES" : "NO";

//column definition
{title:"Driver", field:"driver", formatter:"tickCross", formatterPrint:printFormatter} //show "YES"/"NO" in the cell when printing

Disable Standard Formatter on Export

Passing a value of false into an export formatter will cause the value to be shown as plain text without a formatter

{title:"Driver", field:"driver", formatter:"tickCross", formatterPrint:false} //show as plain text when printing

Icon/Button Columns

You can create icon/button columns, by not specifying the field option in the column definition object and creating a custom formatter for the column contents. In the example below we have created a print button on the left of each row.

//custom formatter definition
var printIcon = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ //plain text value
    return "<i class='fa fa-print'></i>";

//column definition in the columns array
{formatter:printIcon, width:40, hozAlign:"center", cellClick:function(e, cell){alert("Printing row data for: " + cell.getRow().getData().name)}},

Row Formatting

Tabulator also allows you to define a row level formatter using the rowFormatter option. this lets you alter each row of the table based on the data it contains.

The function accepts one argument, the RowComponent for the row being formatted.

The example below changes the background colour of a row to blue if the col value for that row is "blue".

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        //row - row component
        var data = row.getData();
        if(data.col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#1e3b20";

Re-Format Row

If you want to re-format a row once it has been rendered to re-trigger the cell formatters and the rowFormatter callback, Call the reformat function on its Row Component.


Export Formatting

When exporting data from a table by printing, using the clipboard or using the getHTML function, you may want to apply a different formatter from the one usualy used to format the row.

There are differnt formatter properties for each type of export:

  • rowFormatterPrint - Formatter to be used when printing
  • rowFormatterClipboard - Formatter to be used when copying to the clipboard
  • rowFormatterHtmlOutput - Formatter to be used when the getHtml function is called

These properties take the same inputs as the standard rowFormatter property.

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        //row - row component
        var data = row.getData();
        if(data.col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#1e3b20";
        //row - row component
        var data = row.getData();
        if(data.col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#0000ff"; //use a different shade of blue background when printing

Disable Standard Formatter on Export

Passing a value of false into an export formatter will cause the value to be shown as plain text without a formatter

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        //row - row component
        var data = row.getData();
        if(data.col == "blue"){
            row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#1e3b20";
    rowFormatterPrint:false, //disable standard formatter when printing