Version 6.2 Released!

Click to checkout the new features

Old Documentation
You are browsing documentation for an old version of Tabulator. Consider upgrading your project to Tabulator 6.2

Deprecated Functionality


Column Header Title

The downloadTitle column definition property has now been renamed to titleDownload to bring it inline with other export functionality

Anywhere you used the downloadTitle property

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        {title:"Age", downloadTitle:"User Age", field:"age"},

You should now use the titleDownload property

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        {title:"Age", titleDownload:"User Age", field:"age"},

Data Formatter

The downloadDataFormatter option has been depricated and is no longer available.

where you used to use the downloadDataFormatter option to alter data being downloaded, you should now use the accessorDownload on the columns to be altered.


Check Visibility

The getVisibility function has now been renamed to isVisible to bring it inline with other funcnctions

Anywhere you used the getVisibility function

var visible = column.isVisible();

You should now use the isVisible function

var visible = column.isVisible();


Check Visibility

The getVisibility function has now been renamed to isVisible to bring it inline with other funcnctions

Anywhere you used the getVisibility function

var visible = group.isVisible();

You should now use the isVisible function

var visible = group.isVisible();