Version 6.3 Released!

Click to checkout the new features

Old Documentation
You are browsing documentation for an old version of Tabulator. Consider upgrading your project to Tabulator 6.3

Upgrade Guide v4.6 to 4.7

Previous Version Upgrades

If you are upgrading from any version of tabulator below version 4.6, you should read the v4.1 to 4.6 upgrade guide first.


The build tools for Tabulator have been updated in this release, as a result of packaging the build tools with the library the old gulp commands have been migrated to npm commands

Build Source

Where you used to run a one off build with the gulp command


You should now use the following command:

npm run build

Watch Source

Where you used to run a one off build with the gulp command

gulp watch

You should now use the following command:

npm run watch


Column Header Title

The downloadTitle column definition property has now been renamed to titleDownload to bring it inline with other export functionality

Anywhere you used the downloadTitle property

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        {title:"Age", downloadTitle:"User Age", field:"age"},

You should now use the titleDownload property

var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
        {title:"Age", titleDownload:"User Age", field:"age"},

Data Formatter

The downloadDataFormatter option has been depricated and is no longer available.

Where you used to use the downloadDataFormatter option to alter data being downloaded, you should now use the accessorDownload on the columns to be altered.

Custom File Formatters

The Download module has been completely rebuilt in this release, and is now based of the Export module. As a result of this, the way that download formatters work has been changed to base them of an array of ExportRow objects, rather than on the previous appraoch involving the arrays of table data

For details on how to convert your file formatter, have a look at the Download Custom File Formatter Documentation. It outlines the new structure of the formatter function and details how you can now use the ExportRow and ExportColumn objects to structure your output


Check Visibility

The getVisibility function has now been renamed to isVisible to bring it inline with other funcnctions

Anywhere you used the getVisibility function

var visible = column.isVisible();

You should now use the isVisible function

var visible = column.isVisible();


Check Visibility

The getVisibility function has now been renamed to isVisible to bring it inline with other funcnctions

Anywhere you used the getVisibility function

var visible = group.isVisible();

You should now use the isVisible function

var visible = group.isVisible();